Happy New Year, finally!
I’d love report that the everything in 2021 is better but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Not yet anyway.
The good news, Spring is coming so hold on.
Even better news, what happens out there is less important than what happens between our ears.
Click on the picture below and find out how to feel better quickly.
Isn’t it strange to think we are often our own worst critic? Negative self talk is something we do to ourselves that doesn’t make life better.
If we can remember to alter the Golden Rule and speak to ourselves with the kindness and forgiveness we would use on small children, we might find it easier to treat others with kindness as well. Check out the article.
In closing let me remind you of the purpose of this newsletter:
1. To remind us all of how much we all have to be thankful for.
2. To make it easy to get a hold of me if you or your friends have questions about Medicare or your coverage.
3. To share questions and helpful information.
4. To share pictures of my animals, your animals and everyone’s adventures!
So send me your pics, send me your questions, send me your friends and call me if you need me.
Stay safe and be well and click here to schedule a meeting if you have questions about Medicare.