Did your Medicare account get breached?

May this blog post find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly 😊.

Just a few weeks till the Annual Election Period. Remember that anyone who calls you to inquire about your Medicare coverage is breaking the law unless you have explicitly given them permission.

If anyone calls you about Medicare, ask for their name and insurance license number and watch the bad guys disappear 👿.

Book a time on my calendar if we need to review your coverage. That’s why I’m here.

See the rainbow on Plato’s head?

Plato in Colorado with a rainbow behind his head.

The big galoot is happy I’m home in Colorado. Thanks to our daughter Sus for taking care of him.

Quantz is still on the road exploring. I’m sending Starbucks cards to the first five people who guess where she is ☕️. Hint: It has lots of forts and lots of steps.

Boat on water.

I came home early to get ready for the busy season which begins on October 15th. Plus, it’s just easier to work from home.

The biggest surprise I’ve seen is that Medicare got hacked, Did you see the news? On May 30th, over 600,000 records were compromised… names, Social Security numbers, Medicare Numbers and more 😤 – not cool at all.

Many steps nestled between two buildings.

If your Medicare number was taken, you should have received a letter from CMS and a new Medicare number. Be sure to update your doctors, your insurance company (and me ) if you were notified of the breach.

Senior living cartoon of people in a chilly pool of water.

Regardless, it’s always a good idea to check your credit at least once a year to see if anyone got hold of your information. You can request a free credit report by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com or calling 877-322-8228. Here’s the full article on the breach just in case your interested.

Cowboy poet Dirk Weisiger atop a mountain.

So proud of my buddy, cowboy poet Dirk Weisiger, for completing this epic adventure in the Alps. A lot of you folks have been telling me about your adventures, but we need more pictures, please 😊.

Artwork by Artist Kathleen Crocetti.

Thanks to client Bill for sharing his wife’s accomplishment. Artist Kathleen Crocetti won the “Best in Show” Mosaic Award at the Mosaic & Glass Arts International Festival.

She is going to receive her award in Buffalo and then Bill is retiring and they are off to explore the mosaics in Italy. “Congratulazioni e buon viaggio✈️!”

Basket of blue crabs from Maryland.

I’m getting hungry looking at these crabs Mike pulled up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. You can’t get those in Colorado.

Texting for seniors.

Buckeye David always posts the funniest stuff. It’s good to stay up to date, but more importantly…

Did you know Silver Sneakers is offering tuition dollars for college coursework? You can use the money yourself or gift it to your grandkids. Here are the details.

Karl, Plato. and Quantz.

So while Quantz is out exploring, please know that I’m here and ready to help you with all things Medicare. That’s a promise!

Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-seven states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.


Any skeletons in the closet?

May this blog find you in great health this Labor Day Weekend with your Medicare Insurance working properly.

I hope you and your family survived the hurricane. Just spoke with clients in Sarasota. They said they are hurricane vets and escaped the worst A-OK. I’m still waiting to hear from clients in Georgia and the Carolinas. Let us know how things are going.

This little elf reminds me that in less than four weeks, I’ll be in the midst of our busiest season, the Annual Election Period when folks can make changes to their Medicare coverage.

Elf art on cobblestone street in Europe.
In the next few weeks, you should be getting copies of your plan’s “Annual Notice of Changes,” for your Part D drug plan or your Medicare Advantage Plan. Be sure to give it the once over and book a time on my calendar if we need to talk.

Karl Bruns-Kyler walking in Wroclaw Poland.

Right now, we are in Wroclaw, Poland, formerly called Breslau, Germany. I am fulfilling the dream of a lifetime: visiting the city where my father was born before he and his family escaped Europe.

They left in August of 1939 on the last free sailing of the Queen Mary, just days before Hitler invaded Poland and World War II began. My dad’s family was half Jewish and half Gentile so you can imagine how strange things were for everyone.

Some chose to leave, some chose to stay. Some died in the camps, some survived.

Auschwitz Gate.

My father never spoke about these things (he was just a boy) and he never even told my mom. I only learned about his family history when my mother visited a Gentile uncle of his in Germany when I was in college.

What a surprise to discover a whole family history we knew nothing about.
Door knob in Poland.

After visiting one of the museums, I used Google Translate to ask if they had any information about my namesake, Karl Masner, my great grandfather, who had been a museum director in the city.

Amazingly, his portrait is hung in that very museum, with the same red hair of my father. What a story for future generations.

Karl Kyler standing in front of painting of his great grandfather, Karl Masner.

We came to Poland to visit our Air Force son. It was such a joy to see him and to share these new discoveries of our family history.

Quantz and Nicholas in Poland.

The stories that make up your family’s history are more than just tales to be recounted at reunions; they’re the legacy you’ll leave for your grandchildren and generations to come.

Karl and Nicholas walking together in Poland.

In today’s digital age, there are many ways to record your family’s lineage, stories, and traditions, so they don’t get lost in the sands of time.

•  Virtual Family History Tours

Using map software or online resources, create a virtual tour of places significant to your family history. Share the tour with family members during online gatherings.

•  Time Capsule Project

Create a family time capsule filled with mementos, letters, and keepsakes. Decide on a future date for the capsule to be opened by your grandchildren or later generations.

Quantz posing with elves.

Other things to consider:

•  Annual Family Story Night
Host an annual family “Story Night” where each member shares a story or memory about the family. Record these sessions for future listening.

•  Letters to Grandchildren
Write letters to your grandchildren at various stages of their life — like upon high school graduation, getting married, or having their first child. Save these letters in a special box for them to open when the time comes.

Every week, I hear from clients who’ve lost someone they love, so do your best to preserve the memories that will have meaning for future generations.

Shirley smiling.

Thanks to Adrienne for sending this amazing pic of her mom…95 and still going strong. Shirley lives in Independent living, plays duplicate bridge three days a week, bingo twice a week, plus Pokeno and Rummikub on the weekends. Shirley might just outlive us all.

Elissa and James in Savannah.

Last week I reported of Elissa’s globetrotting adventures. This week, her hubby James wanted to make sure we knew that the two of them also have adventures together, recently exploring the great city of Savannah.

Puff and Buddy in South Carolina.

And finally, greetings from Puff and Buddy in the Low Country of South Carolina. We’re hoping they are doing well!

That’s it for this week; Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
– Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-seven states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.



The Annual Election Period ended December 7th but …

May this blog post/newsletter find you in good health with your Medicare coverage working properly.

The Annual Election Period ended December 7th and Plato is ready to dance!

Karl and Plato dancing_The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker

It was a pleasure to catch up with so many of you all over the country and I am excited to have a little down time.

Karl and Plato watch soccer_The Big 65

Even though most of my teams are out of the World Cup, I’m having fun seeing some of the games now.

The Annual Election Period ended December 7th but … just remember, if you meant to book a time but didn’t, we can still review your coverage and put an action plan together for next year.

Don’t be like Georgia and hold it in (Georgia dug up and swallowed a mole). If you are having issues, please reach out.

Georgia-Friend of The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker

The end of the year is always a perfect time to look back and consider opportunities to make small changes that can improve our lives and the lives of everyone we touch.

This article captures some of the bigger ways to live well but this quote below says it all:

Ashley Montagu on aging_The Big 65

We get smarter as we age, but if we are not careful, we get crankier. Our logical minds focus on everything that isn’t working well instead of the things that are working well.

I could get angry and blame the Air Force for cancelling our son’s vacation or…

The Big 65 Celebrates in Colorado_The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker

I could give thanks that one of our former exchange students surprised us with a visit from Mexico. Santiago just finished his fall semester at the University of Puebla studying business.

Having him around has been great fun: playing ping pong (now he beats me), hiking and maybe skiing next week. I’m doing my best to keep up and Q is making sure Santi eats like a king (which means the house is filled with good stuff she would only get to spoil our kids.)

The static wall sit is the only thing I’ve beat him at so far!

Santiago, Karl, and Plato_The Big 65

The purpose of this newsletter is to helps us stay in touch and to inspire each of you to live your own best life. You don’t need to read it every week, just know it’s here so you can get a hold of me when you need me.

I’m constantly inspired by my brother Robert. He severed his spinal cord four years ago, but instead of defining him, this event has been a catalyst for growth. I will not minimize how challenging it has been, but Robert still practices medicine and is more connected to his patients and life as a result of this experience. He continues to push himself mentally, physically and spiritually.

He is my role model. This is him on the beach of Lake Erie over Thanksgiving.

Robert Kyler by Lake Erie_The Big 65

As we continue into the holidays, look for joy and adventure in every encounter. It’s not what happens to us but… how we choose to respond.

Have a great week, be safe, and call me if you need me.

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-two states around the country, including:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker logo

Annual Election Period Ends Soon

Plato is channeling how yours truly feels during the Annual Election Period which ends soon.

If you’ve already updated your Medicare coverage (or you are happy) you don’t need to do anything, but…

If you are a procrastinator, the end is near for making changes so book a time on my calendar.

PLato rests_The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker
It’s been a delight catching up with so many of you and updating hundreds of plans. Most people don’t change, but some do.

I’ve added extra hours so I’ll do my best to squeeze everyone in! You can see my motto below.

Plato in the snow in Colorado_The Big 65

This week, I read a fascinating article on Alzheimer’s. Many people believe if you are diagnosed, there’s nothing you can do, but this isn’t true! Studies have shown that identical twins with the same Alzheimer’s diagnosis had vastly different outcomes if they were proactive in their approach. Puzzles, diet, exercise and engagement with others make a huge difference.

It is amazing that Alzheimer’s can be slowed down and the same is true of Parkinson’s. It’s amazing how much we can affect our own lives and the lives of others with small actions.

Qs birthday in Colorado_The Big 65

We celebrated Q’s birthday yesterday. I am the luckiest guy on the planet, even after 34 years, I give thanks for this amazing woman. We’ll celebrate after the busy season ends on Wednesday.

And I’m going to feel like this!

Karl jumps for joy in Colorado_The Big 65

I’ll be super happy when I’ve taken care of every one of you!

In the meantime, feel free to forward this blog post/newsletter to friends and family with Medicare questions!  Referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Have a great week, be safe, and call me if you need me.

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Bee Careful About Medicare Marketers

Medicare Advertising Under Scrutiny:  Bee Careful

An article in the Wall Street Journal recently caught my attention with this headline:

Celebrity Medicare Sales Pitches Are Toned Down After Scrutiny

Although Medicare advertising is under scrutiny, we are finally beginning to see a clamp down on some of the hyper-annoying and misleading advertising.  BUT – Medicare beneficiaries will continue to receive unsolicited and relentless phone calls, especially as we approach the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP for short).

The antidote?  SKIP the calls and MUTE the commercials.

Medicare advertising under scrutiny

I’ve created a new celebrity and his name is Big Head Ted (from Q’s garden).  This is what Big Head Ted says about some of the celebrity Medicare advertising going on now:

“The Medicare ads from my fellow celebrities are designed to scare you into believing that you are missing out (FOMO) on all kinds of benefits.  But here’s the rub:  most of the huge benefits that are advertised are only available to people in the absolute lowest income levels.  Where I come from, they call it the old BAIT and SWITCH.”

Now we see why Medicare marketing is under scrutiny.

Of course, it’s important to review your coverage!  And starting in October, AFTER you receive your Annual Notice of Changes from your carrier, we will dig in and make sure you have what you need. “And that’s a promise” says Big Head Ted.

Life Can Be Beautiful, Wherever You Are

Color photo of South Caroline sunset

Q took this picture while visiting her parents in South Carolina. Yes, Colorado is beautiful, but the sunrises and marshes of the Low Country are beautiful.

Photo of Red Rocks in Colorado

Colorado may lack water, but let’s not forget Red Rocks, one of America’s greatest outdoor amphitheaters, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression.  The Red Rocks amphitheater has incredible acoustics surrounded by jaw dropping beauty.

Photo of Robert Plant and Alison Krauss performing at Red Rocks in Colorado but not singing about Medicare advertising under scrutiny..

I never saw Led Zeppelin as a youth, but while Q was away, I did go see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss perform under the stars at Red Rocks. It was one of the best concerts of my life.

Hey, that’s what Quantz gets for abandoning me, right ….?

Yes, Medicare advertising is under scrutiny. But there is much beauty in the world, too.  

Well, that’s all for this week.

Please remember to send your friends and family my way if they need help with Medicare. Referrals and happy clients are the lifeblood of our business!

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

The Big 65 and Karl Bruns-Kyler are based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.  Karl provides Medicare insurance services to the Front Range region of Colorado, including Denver, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Boulder, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Lone Tree, Greenwood Village and throughout Colorado.

Karl is also licensed in seventeen additional states to help with Medicare insurance.  Those additional states include Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Private Insurance Broker, a Certified Senior Advisor, CSA,­ with no affiliation to Medicare, CMS or any governmental organization.


How To Stop Medicare Robocalls!

I hope you are having a great week and some beautiful fall weather.

The Annual Election Period is in full swing and the robocalls are obscene.

Nothing is more annoying than unsolicited calls and as I reconnect with clients all over to review their coverage for 2022, I’m hearing it’s worse than ever.

Ignoring the calls only goes so far. Read this comprehensive list of steps you can take to reduce Robocalls do from the Federal Trade Commissionsteps you can take to reduce Robocalls do from the Federal Trade Commission.

It’s not a perfect list, but it has reduced the calls we receive considerably.

Remember to keep ignoring the Medicare noise and keep working with an individual, hopefully me 😊.

I received a call from a client’s daughter. Her mother let a call center enroll her in a new plan without really thinking it through.

Because of underwriting and her health situation, we can’t switch her back to her original coverage.

There is nothing wrong with switching plans, as long as we due our due diligence.

There seem to be more moving parts than ever so…take your time and be deliberate.

Most plans roll over automatically, but if you have questions, book a time here.

What About My Medicare Meds?

Greetings Medicare Insurance Seeker!

It’s that time of year when everyone is being bombarded with false promises of Medicare gold!

If you are taking prescriptions, it’s a good idea to review your options.

1. Look at your Annual Notice of Changes. If the drugs have switched tiers, beware of higher costs.

2. Before filling your prescription, make sure the pharmacy you are going to is a preferred pharmacy in the Part D network.

3. Before filling your prescription, ask the pharmacist the “cash price” for the medication. Sometimes the price your pharmacy can offer is LESS than the discount you receive through your Part D drug plan.

4. Finally, before filling your prescription, check the price using a discounting online app like Goodrx.com. Sometimes this app can really save you money.

Finally, the Annual Election Period is from October 15th through December 7th.

If you have questions about your Medicare Supplement, your Medicare Advantage Plan or your Part D drug coverage…

Book a time on my calendar here and we’ll see if we can reduce your costs and improve your benefits.

Have a great week and call me if you need me!

Do I Need To Review My Medicare Insurance Coverage?

I hope you are having a great week as the weather starts to turn cooler :).

The Medicare Annual Election Period begins in October.

In September, your current carrier should be sending you a copy of the Annual Notice of Changes.

Here, you will be able to read how your plan will be changing for 2022.

If you are not happy with the changes, or you are just unsure if your Medicare Insurance plan is still appropriate for you…

Book a time on my calendar here

Here is a link to the Medicare & You 2022 Handbook

Will You Be Remembered?

May this note find you well despite the floods, the fires and COVID.

I’m getting a lot of calls from Medicare Clients asking if they need to change their coverage.

Most people won’t need to change their coverage, but many will!

Here are the some of the reasons you might need to review your Medicare Coverage in October:

1. Your drugs have changed or gotten expensive.
2. Your doctors have changed or they have stopped taking your current plan.
3. The premiums on your current Medicare Insurance plan seem really expensive.
4. You receive the annual notice of changes in your plan and your copays have gone up.
5. You are getting bombarded by call centers and you want peace of mind 😊.

The good news is the Annual Election Period is still over a month away so let me know if you have question or book a time on my calendar here.

But in the meantime…

Recording the story of your life can make a huge difference in the lives of your children and grandchildren.

Some my most precious memories are the stories my mother shared…

Living through World War II as child in Amsterdam.
Walking past Anne Frank’s house on the way to school.
Coming to the US on the Queen Mary as a teenager.

Now I’m doing my best to record those stories for my kids.

Here’s an article on how you can do the same.

That’s it for this week and please reach out if you need me.

Are you taking too many drugs?

Hey Neighbor,

I hope you are having a great week. It’s been quiet here in our house.

My wife Q is back east visiting her parents in South Carolina, and even though I’m super busy, I miss her company. That’s what happens after 30 years of marriage, right?

If you’ve seen the 500 Medicare commercials already with super happy seniors, you know it’s the Annual Election Period.

It’s been great catching up with clients I haven’t spoken to in a while and making sure their Medicare coverage is up to date.

Today I spoke with Nancy, a long time client in Georgia. Her comments really got me thinking about a problem I see  more often than I should.

Click on the picture below and learn something that might save your life and even save you money.

Of course medications have improved the quality and the length of the lives of many Americans. Sadly, the medical industrial complex has made it way too easy to be over medicated. Many Americans continue to take medications long after the need for them is over.

One doctor will prescribe a medication and another doctor will be hesitant to end it because of miscommunication. Even worse, the more meds you take, the greater the risk of negative side effects. Talk to your doctor, talk to pharmacist.

Review your medications and understand why you are taking each medicine you take. Check out this article and, as they said in the movie Blaze, “never trust a man who says trust me.”

That’s it for this week. If you’re unsure of your coverage and you need a Medicare Insurance review, or your friends need help, book a time on my calendar and I’ll do my best to help.

Be well, be kind, be safe, one nation under God.