How to prevent cognitive decline and dementia in Medicare age individuals

Would you like to know how to slow down cognitive decline, isolation and depression in Medicare age individuals?

Watch this and find out.

That’s right, get a hearing aid! Now before you start whinging about cost and the nuisance factor and the annoyance, hear me out 😊.

After too many concerts as a young man, I finally got a pair of inner ear hearing aids they truly changed my life and the lives of those I love.

I can hear the birds sing when we drink our morning coffee. I don’t yell at the kids (as much). I don’t have to pretend I understand. That’s a big deal.

Studies have shown hearing loss leads to isolation, falls, reduced heart health, depression and dementia. Being able to hear well is life changing.

My audiologist tells me most people wait SEVEN YEARS past the time they need them. Most importantly, restored hearing can save a marriage and improve the quality of your life.

Some Medicare plans do cover the cost or partial cost of hearing aids. If your plan doesn’t, consider a trip to Costco. They have in store testing and reasonably priced equipment.

If that’s still out of your price range, visit a Bose audio store and try out their Bose Hearphones ( I have a pair I use for phone work). You can actually adjust the acoustics using your smart phone and they are amazing (and priced at just $500).

I can actually hear and communicate in a noisy restaurant (assuming we ever eat out again). Plus they are the only self regulating hearing aids approved by the FDA.

So don’t let your damn pride get in the way of living well. Get your hearing tested. You’ll be glad you did.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Don’t Let Pride Get In Your Way, Get Your Hearing Tested!

Let’s get down to it:  untreated hearing loss and untreated vision loss will cause a person to be less engaged, less connected, less alive, less content.  One of our frequent themes here at the Big 65:

If you are not growing, you are dying!

A few years ago, after much nagging from my family, I finally agreed to have my hearing tested.  The result?  Shock of shocks, I had hearing loss, I couldn’t hear the high-pitched tones, including my wife.

My response:  I got hearing aids, the second-best decision I have ever made (marrying my wife being the best).

The benefits were instantaneous:  I could hear birds sing, my family stopped having to repeat themselves constantly, I was immediately sharper and more productive, I could hear at parties.  Everyone was happier, especially me!

According to my Audiologist, Dr. Brock Sturlaugson at Hearing Rehab Solutions, most people wait years and years to have their hearing tested, long after they’ve been experiencing
problems.  Why do people wait?

Well for me it was pride. No one wants to admit they are getting older.  The good news is the devices are smaller, less noticeable and more powerful than ever.  Some days, when I wear practically invisible hearing aids and put in my contact lenses, I feel like the six-million-dollar man!

This article in the New York Times discusses the link between cognitive decline, hearing and vision loss.  While the link is not perfectly linear, one thing is certain:  the more connected we remain to family, community and life, the more content we are.

Even better news, some of the Medicare related health plans I work with are beginning to offer hearing benefits.  If you think you or a loved one is asking those around to repeat themselves too often, or if feel you are disengaging, it may be time to check your eyes and your ears.

So, go it do now! Think of it as a gift for the people you love.

It’ll cost you money and you may have to swallow your pride.

But, when you hear the birds singing in the back yard while you sip your coffee and marvel at the brilliant light in a morning sunrise, you’ll be damn glad you did, and so will those who love you!

And to all the audiologists in the world…thanks!

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Medicare insurance agent Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Insurance Services company.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Certified Senior Advisor and licensed independent insurance agent focused on helping consumers shop for Medicare coverage.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.