A wise person once said, “it’s not what happens but how we respond that determines our lives.”
True words.
Check out this video and you’ll see how my brother responded to the worst day in his life, when he became a paraplegic.
Despite the trauma, Robert has a new lease on life and has chosen not to let this event define him. Listen to his story here.
Learning to respond instead of reacting, that’s the key. Somedays are easier than others. The important thing to remember, you don’t have to be perfect, you can’t be perfect, you just have to keep trying. Here’s an article that may help.
In the Medicare world, I’m seeing some of the ugliest, most aggressive marketing on the web that I have ever seen and I am shocked at how consumers are being maligned!
I spoke with a woman this week, seven months out from Medicare who had booked a time on my calendar. An unscrupulous call center agent had already enrolled her in a plan AND THE AGENT DIDN’T EVEN REVIEW HER WORK COVERAGE (or her drugs)!
That’s criminal (in my opinion). He just wanted to sign her up and move on to the next dollar. Every week, I run across people in this situation.
The good news, we can probably get this reversed and get her back in her work coverage (if it turns about to be better). Tell your friends and family NEVER to sign up with a call center broker. They will sign you up as quickly as possible (and often don’t review your drugs, the most important part). Most of the time you’ll never talk with them again.
Look, if I’m not your cup of tea, no worries! But do find somebody local who’s going be with you for the duration. Just like they said on Hawaii 5-0 back in the day, “Book him Danno, Medicare is for life!” Well, something like that.
So remember to respond instead of reacting, and if you have questions about Medicare, check in with me and I’ll do my best to help.
The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.