Despite COVID, you really have to get out!

When I think of all things we did last summer, cookouts, movies, concerts, well, it makes realize how much I took for granted before the Pandemic.

Fortunately we did get out last week with the whole family, the first time in a while. Check out our adventure.

Who doesn’t love Lego, right?

The point is, if you are careful, there are things going on your community that you can do safely, so make the effort to get out a least once this week and try something new, you will be glad you did.

Believe it or not, I am not in the midst a re certifying for 2021 with all Medicare Carriers and I’m starting to review changes in the plans.

Big picture: Copays for the Advantage plans and the drugs co pays are going up, as usual :(.

The good news? Telehealth is going to get easier and more common. That’s a good thing. Here’s an article on what’s coming up.

If you are taking expensive Medicare medications, now is the time to review them with your doctor and your pharmacist and see if there are alternatives. Many of you are now in the “donut hole” and paying a lot for your medications, so this is the time to see if there are lower priced alternatives.

Please call if you have questions.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

How to Avoid Medicare Identity Theft

Do you know how to avoid Medicare Identity Theft?

This week I heard from a couple of different Medicare clients who tell me their identities were ALMOST stolen.

As Clint Eastwood used to say, “Do ya feel lucky? Well do ya??”

If you check out this video, you will be lucky.

Simple steps to protect yourself can go a long way:

Check your credit report, is offering free weekly credit checks.

Don’t click on links unless you certain of the source.

If someone calls you from the IRS, Medicare, or any governmental organization, be careful.

This website link has a ton helpful ideas ( and it’s real, I swear 😊)

As a Medicare Insurance broker, my job is to keep you informed and help you take the mystery out of Medicare.

Let me know if you have questions.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Get outside and feel better

As we age into Medicare, it’s important to get outside and feel better.

As our son prepares for the Air Force, we’re doing our best to spend time together before he begins his service.

Especially in these times of COVID, one of the healthiest things we can do is to get outside and spend time with family and friends (assuming you like them 😉)

Studies have shown that time in nature relieves stress and anxiety, improves mood, increases energy and longevity and just makes us happier.

Even walking around the neighborhood or puttering in the garden, either way, you’ll be better and happier.

Here’s an article that confirms it.

If you have questions about Medicare or how to stay healthy, give me a call or book a time on my calendar.

As a Medicare Insurance broker, it’s my job to take the mystery out of Medicare.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

How to enroll in Medicare Part B

Once you’ve decided to begin Medicare, you will next need to enroll in Part B.

Once you have Medicare Part A and Part B, you can then select the coverage you’ll need to augment original Medicare.

Watch this video to learn the basic steps to enroll in Medicare Part B

Here is the link to the Social Security website for enrollment and questions.

As Medicare Insurance Broker, another question I receive is:

How much will I have to pay for Part B? Great question! Here is Medicare’s the information on Medicare Premiums: Rules for Higher-Income Beneficiaries.

Remember for some folks, starting Medicare at age 65 is going to be a fantastic choice. For others, they might benefit from waiting a few years and staying on the company plan.

If you’re not sure, you can review this video on “When should I start Medicare”

Email your questions to or just book a time on my calendar and we can chat.

Let me know how we can help!

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a licensed sales agent with no affiliation to Medicare, CMS or any governmental organization.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Do I really need a Medicare Part D Drug Plan?

As a Medicare Insurance Broker, this is a question I get all the time: Do I really need a Medicare Part D drug plan?

The answer is, “you bet your sweet bippie.”

Check out this video that identifies why.

Part D Medicare Insurance is designed to protect Medicare recipients against catastrophic drug costs.

Just because you’re not taking expensive drugs currently doesn’t mean you couldn’t be surprised with an expensive medication later, not to mention a penalty.

Here is your guide to Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage.

You are also welcome to email your questions to or just book a time on my calendar and we’ll get your questions answered.

Let me know how we can help!

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a licensed sales agent with no affiliation to Medicare, CMS or any governmental organization.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

What are Medicare Advantage Plans?

After two decades of working with Medicare insurance plans as a Medicare Insurance Broker…

It’s amazing how often people tell me they are frustrated!

If you feel that way, you are not alone.

Today we are going to take the mystery out Advantage plans.

Check out this super short video:

Remember every person’s situation is different. For some, Medicare Advantage plans can be a great solution.

For others, Medicare supplements and their predictable costs may be the answer.

If you like to read, here’s a complete PDF from Medicare on how to understand Advantage plans.

You are also welcome to email your questions to or just book a time on my calendar and we’ll get your questions answered.

Let me know how we can help!

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a licensed sales agent with no affiliation to Medicare, CMS or any governmental organization.

The Big 65

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

How to prevent cognitive decline and dementia in Medicare age individuals

Would you like to know how to slow down cognitive decline, isolation and depression in Medicare age individuals?

Watch this and find out.

That’s right, get a hearing aid! Now before you start whinging about cost and the nuisance factor and the annoyance, hear me out 😊.

After too many concerts as a young man, I finally got a pair of inner ear hearing aids they truly changed my life and the lives of those I love.

I can hear the birds sing when we drink our morning coffee. I don’t yell at the kids (as much). I don’t have to pretend I understand. That’s a big deal.

Studies have shown hearing loss leads to isolation, falls, reduced heart health, depression and dementia. Being able to hear well is life changing.

My audiologist tells me most people wait SEVEN YEARS past the time they need them. Most importantly, restored hearing can save a marriage and improve the quality of your life.

Some Medicare plans do cover the cost or partial cost of hearing aids. If your plan doesn’t, consider a trip to Costco. They have in store testing and reasonably priced equipment.

If that’s still out of your price range, visit a Bose audio store and try out their Bose Hearphones ( I have a pair I use for phone work). You can actually adjust the acoustics using your smart phone and they are amazing (and priced at just $500).

I can actually hear and communicate in a noisy restaurant (assuming we ever eat out again). Plus they are the only self regulating hearing aids approved by the FDA.

So don’t let your damn pride get in the way of living well. Get your hearing tested. You’ll be glad you did.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

This too shall pass!

May is National Mental Health Month and worldwide, depression is one of the leading causes of health issues.

As the COVID Quarantine continues to reshape my Medicare clients’ lives and lives all and around the world, it’s important to remember the importance of self care, both mental and physical, during these challenges times.

Equally, important, to keep our emotions in perspective, to recognize no matter how great things are going or no matter how many challenges there are in our lives, things will change.

In times of struggle, it is so easy to lose perspective and compare our lives with those who appear to be doing so much better than us, financially, emotionally, physically.

Remember to keep life in perspective. Give thanks for what you do have and find ways to help others. Re-frame, serve others, give thanks and repeat. That’s all we can do.

Here is an article that can help: How to Stay Optimistic When Everything Seems Wrong

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Sometimes you just have to howl at the world!

Check out this video to see how
my neighborhood in Highlands Ranch
is responding to the Corona quarantine.

That’s right sometimes all you
can do is howl and keep going.

In our neighborhood, every
night at 8:00 people step out
side and howl. It’s really been

Regarding changes in Medicare,
we are seeing some new genetic
testing coming out for people
with cancer, diabetes, heart/
stroke issues or with Alzheimer’s.

The testing, depending on your
coverage, may have zero dollar

Of course this testing should improve
treatment protocols for those with
these health concerns, but equally
important, this new genetic data may
provide a road map for children and
grandchildren with these genetic

Ping me if you have questions.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

It’s time to shop smart!

This week’s video might seem mundane, but PLEASE WATCH, it could save your life!

People over 60 and people on Medicare
face the greatest risk from COVID-19.
Why take any chance of exposure to the

Use a shopping service (Safeway, Kroger,
Walmart) so they deliver the groceries
to your car.

Watch Dr. Wingen’s video on how to safely
transfer the groceries into your home.

Did you know the virus can live on paper
and plastic? (I didn’t.) I am following
his directions now, believe me.

If you and your spouse are home now
shut in together for the first time and
things are getting tough, remember to
set up your prepaid legal now… just

Laugh, run around the house and
remember all the reasons you got
together to begin with.

Life is all about perspective.

Hang in there friends, we’ll get through
it and be stronger for the ride.

I’m here if you need me!

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.