How to sharpen the saw!

May this note-blog post find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly.

You’ll be happy to know I only have one 2024 Medicare certification left to complete. There are at least 10 different carriers with over 50 different plans in some zip codes, how crazy is that?

Summer of 2023 has easily been the most enjoyable time of our lives. We’ve been connecting with family and friends we haven’t seen in ages.

These two boys are the sons of our first exchange student, Romain from the Alsace, who lived with us in Georgia almost twenty years ago when our kids were about this size.

Karl playing cards with two kids in the kitchen.

Over the last two decades, we have hosted eight different students from different countries who came to the US and lived with us for a calendar year. It was so much fun for us and so great for our children to have to share our home with all these amazing young people.

This August, we invited them all (and their families) to meet up. Five of them showed up with family and spent time with us in Normandy.

Karl Bruns-Kyler at dinner with friends.

Chris rode his bike all the way from Germany.

Chris from Germany with his bike.

Everyday we spent together was filled with surprises, cooking, exploring, taking walks, drinking wine, and catching up on life and all the changes.

Kid feeding a hungry horse.

I have to admit, sometimes it was exhausting.

Group of people in front of building.

But the most amazing part… I felt my brain power getting stronger.

Three people riding bikes near a corn field.

When we engage in new and novel activities, it improves our brain fitness.

According to the Alzheimer & Dementia Resource Center, staying active and engaged can reduce the speed of cognitive decline.

Group at people sitting down together to break bread.

Some of the activities they recommend:
• Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand
• Close your eyes while getting dressed or performing other tasks
• Wear earplugs to experience the world without sound
• Turn your pictures or clocks upside down
• Start a new hobby
• Learn a musical instrument or something that is new to you

Kid playing in a yard with green grass.

Just being in a house filled with young’uns speaking French, German, Spanish and English … filled my brain and gave me a fresh perspective, plus tons of gratitude.

Karl Bruns-Kyler pointing his finger at a building in the distance.

What a joy seeing the people you love grow up and continue the circle of life.

Is it our responsibility to keep challenging ourselves to grow so they have a model to follow?  That’s a personal choice, but for me, here’s the mission:
• Don’t expect thanks
• Expect the unexpected
• Live a life of service
• Maintain a joyful heart
• Laugh at everything, the good, the bad & the ugly

Father with two kids.

That’s it for this week; Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
-Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-six states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.

Good news!

May this blog post find you in good health with your Medicare Insurance working properly.

This summer has had the strangest weather I can remember, but I’m using rainy days to get all of my 2024 Medicare certifications completed.

Three more finished, three more to go. It still amazes me how Medicare seems to get more complicated every year, but, don’t get me started!

Instead, I’ll do my best to practice what I preach and give thanks for what I’m grateful for: Modern Medicine.  This is Good News!

Xray of foot for The Big 65 Medicare Senior Insurance Services company.

Had one of our ancestors developed this painful foot condition, they probably would have had to live with it, constant misery.

Modern medicine isn’t perfect but don’t tell that to Jeri, the quality of her life was restored by an incredible orthopedic surgeon.
X-ray of foot after successful bone surgery.

Jeri said, “my surgeon was fabulous. No pain meds after two days. Crutches, then boot with crutches, then boot. Was walking on my own after two months. No limp, no problems. Hooray for surgeons!”

We know every surgery doesn’t go like this, but it’s easy to lose perspective on how far we’ve come with healthcare and to take it for granted.

I’m big believer in getting a second opinion before any major invasive procedure (or a third), but I am also amazed on weekly basis with the remarkable recoveries and improvements I see in client health when they find the right doctor AND…

When we patients follow the doctor’s plan of care, it turns out you can teach us old dogs new tricks.

People in a car looking at a camera.

Following your doctor’s plan for physical therapy will help you get better. To stick with the plan, work with your doctor (or your therapist) to set clear goals. Do the exercises regularly, stick to the schedule.

Most important, talk openly about how you’re doing and get feedback, especially if things aren’t going well in the recovery process.

Many patients feel as if they are doing something wrong if they don’t start improving and will often give up on the rehab processes. By sharing honestly with your healthcare provider, therapy regimens can be modified. But if you don’t speak up, you won’t get better.

Jeri was teachable and interactive with her healthcare providers and she is one happy camper! No matter what happens, eventually, our bodies will wear out. But in the meantime, we do our best to keep going.

Karl Bruns-Kyler getting out of a car in France.

Well, the Bruns-Kylers are visiting cousins in France.

Cousin Flo in Colorado.

You may remember that we have had Quantz’s cousin’s daughter, Florence, living with us for the year. She is still in the US in our home, and now, we visit her family’s place in Normandy.

Karl and Quantz visiting family and friends in France.

What a pleasure it has been to share meals and to meet their friends and neighbors.

Florence's grandmother, Helene and Karl together.

Florence’s grandmother, Helene, was at our wedding a million years ago and it was an absolute delight to spend time with her again.

Helene is the definition of aging well, gracious, engaged, and living life with savoir faire. Over 90 and still a force of nature. What a treasure she is. Give thanks for those you love who make a difference in your life.

Karl and Quantz together in France.

We are looking forward to visiting the D-Day museums and Omaha beach, but in the meantime, we are visiting the markets and walking through the old villages.

Green beans in 11 jars in Virginia.

My little brother, Haas, sent this picture of all the green beans he and his girlfriend have been canning. He says the pumpkins are doing well, too.

Are you giving or getting any produce from your neighbors?

Oversized zucchini on a neighbor's porch.

That’s it for this week; Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
-Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-six states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.