Watch Out For Overbilling On Medical Claims

Happy November and may this find you in good health with your Medicare insurance working properly.

Did you survive the elections and all of the storms coming up from Florida?

Only about 4 weeks left until the Medicare Madness of Open Enrollment is over.

Hopefully you’re also ignoring the noise and the false promises your hear on TV and from the illegal call centers, but if you do have questions, feel free to book a time on my calendar.

Donkey closeup Turning 65 and shopping for Medicare is a pain in the

Watch Out For Overbilling On Medical Claims

One of things I enjoy most about my work as a broker is catching up with clients all over the country, seeing how they are doing and making certain their coverage is working properly.

This week, I spoke with three different clients who had made a Medicare mistake that cost them money they shouldn’t have had to pay. Click on the picture so you don’t the same thing.

Watch Out For Overbilling On Medical Claims
I wrote about this problem earlier in the year, but it seems to be getting worse. Another studyu have to be on your toes.

One study claims that at least four out of five medical bills contain minor errors.

Another study says that 50% of all Medicare bills have errors.

Perhaps these numbers are inflated, but the reality is medical billing errors are common and you have to be on your guard.

If you have a Medicare Supplement, other than a small annual deductible, normally, you shouldn’t have any additional copays for the hospital or your doctor visits.

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, your copays are clearly spelled out in your summary of benefits.

So remember: if you receive a bill, don’t pay it until you’ve reviewed it with your insurer and confirm that it has been properly coded and submitted. Take your time and don’t fall victim to the medical industrial complex!

Quantz at lunch with Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65

Well, I sure was happy to have Quantz home from her adventures in England visiting our son. Even though this is my busy season, we did find time to go out for lunch.

Of course after a week at home, she left me again… to visit her parents in South Carolina and to help them clean up after the hurricane.

Wembley stadium in London_Denver Broncos football

To celebrate Veteran’s Day in advance, we bought our Air Force son (and a buddy) tickets to the Broncos football game at Wembley stadium in London

Nicholas and friend at Wembley stadium to watch Denver Broncos play football_The Big 65

Judging by their smiles, these two soldiers had a great time (and the Broncos won)! Be sure to reach out to the military members of your family and in your community and thank them for their service. Nicholas is two years into his four year commitment, keep him and all our soldiers all in your prayers.

Robert cracking crabs_The Big 65

My little brother Haas sent me this picture of our older brother Robert as they enjoyed a glass of beer and bushel of crabs from the eastern shore of Maryland. Wish I’d been there to join them but I’m happy they spent time together.

Are you finding ways to spend time with your family? Life is short, live large while you can.

David and Romona's kitchen in Virginia_clients of The Big 65

Clients David and Ramona sent this picture of their kitchen in Virginia, making pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin soup. That, to me, is living large and living well! Empty nesters enjoying time together.

How do I live large? Well, before she left for South Carolina, Q took me to a museum and I expressed my creativity as an artist.

Karl Bruns-Kyler holds self-portrait_The Big 65
Don’t worry, I won’t be quitting my day job :), Medicare is what I do.

Please forward this newsletter to all your friends and family ! Remember, referrals are the lifeblood of my businessThank you.

Have a great week, be safe, and call me if you need me.

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-two states around the country, including:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Pennsylvania Medicare insurance agent Karl Kyler