Never go to the doctor alone👨‍⚕️⚠️😬!

Greetings and may this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working properly.

Last week it was North Carolina🌧️, this week it’s Florida🌪️, what’s next🤪?

Oh yeah, the Annual Election Period starts Tuesday, October 15th 😱!  I’ve already spoken with dozens of clients. Some will need to make changes, most won’t😌.

Just remember to IGNORE the telemarketers📞⚠️☠️ and the misleading TV ads. They’re like racoons, if you feed them, you’ll be sorry🦝!

Man in blue shirt watching a racoon eat out of a metal container.

Here’s the deal:

  • If your drugs 💊 and doctors👨‍⚕️ have changed significantly🔄…
  • If your plan is ending or the premiums have gone way up 💲…
  • If you’re unsure your coverage📄is still meeting your needs🤔…


Then please book a time on my calendar here 🗓️.

If you are an existing client, there’s no need to fill out a new drug list.

Gray will reach out and update your medications and doctors before we speak.  If you can’t find a time that works, email and he will get you on my calendar 🗓️.

Google directions for The Big 65 with over 300 Google reviews.

Plato says thank you SO MUCH❤️ to clients Jean, Cindy J, Claire, Maryellen, Annette, Karen, Wietze, Carol G, Bill J, Robyn, Lisa, Elizabeth, Robert, and Terrye for the 5 Star Google reviews that took us to over 300 reviews🎉!

Small honey bears from our hive🍯will go out next week when my wife Q gets home from her adventures in Belgium. Yes indeed, Quantz may actually be coming home🤞.

Quantz in front of a castle.

If you’d like a small honey bear🍯🐻(smaller than neighbor Ed’s) from my bees, please post a Google Review with this link IF you’ve been happy with our service.

If you don’t have a Gmail account, you can leave a review on Facebook. That’ll be good for a honey🍯🐻as well. If you already posted a review on the Facebook Big 65 page, please reply to this email and you’ll get your honey, honey😂🤣!

Karl's neighbor Ed holding a jar of honey from The Big 65 as Plato watches.

Now the important message: Why you should never go to to the doctor👨‍⚕️alone!

(or take an ice bath❄️🛁 at 43 degrees without your Doodle nearby!)

Karl taking a cold plunge as Plato looks on.

It’s always better to have someone with you at the doctor’s office.

A spouse or a friend can help you remember things and provide support.

Be sure to get the doctor to look you in the eye👁️ and always ask the question:

Doc, what would YOU do in this situation? If I was your Mom/Dad what would you recommend?

A white dog.

Doctor visits can be overwhelming.  A friend or family member can:

  • Take Notes:  They can jot down what’s important so you don’t have to worry about missing anything.
  • Ask Questions:  Sometimes they’ll think of things you didn’t.
  • Offer Support:  If you’re feeling nervous or unsure, having someone there can help.

If someone goes with you, when you get home you can reprocess the information and reduce the chances of making a mistake. Don’t be like this prairie dog and stick your head in the ground. It’s a good thing to ask for help!

A prairie dog digging a hole.

Here are some apps on your phone you might consider downloading and using:

  •  Records and transcribes your appointment so you can listen back later.
  • MyChart:  Lets you access your medical records and test results anytime.
  • Google Keep:  A simple way to take notes and track questions.
  • CareClinic:  Helps you keep track of meds, symptoms, and appointments.

If you have to go alone (or even if someone comes with you), let technology be your friend!

A person hiking with a stick in Highlands Ranch.

Never underestimate the value of support during a medical appointment. A second set of ears or a bit of technology will increase your chances of making good decisions.

Support includes face timing with the people you love, like little Greta, the daughter of one of our exchange students from Germany. Grand varmints, life’s great joy ❤️!

A kid looking through a tube.

Speaking of good decisions, I think my brother Robert made a great one… spending time with his granddaughter Nel in New York City. Enjoy the Big Apple brother (and please send me a bagel)🥯.

Rob in New York City with his grandvarmit.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

The Big 65 jar opener for Medicare recipients and their friends.