The Big 65 Partners with Paddle Taps to Support the Midwest’s Largest Climate-Controlled Pickleball Facility

The Big 65 is excited to be sponsoring Paddle Taps, the Midwest’s premier climate-controlled pickleball facility located in Worthington, Ohio.

This partnership marks a significant commitment by The Big 65 to promote active lifestyles and community wellness initiatives in central Ohio.

I’ve been helping Medicare recipients for over 20 years and I’ve never seen anything that matches the excitement and enthusiasm generated by pickleball” said Karl Bruns-Kyler, founder and owner of The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services.

Pickleball is a great way to stay active, especially for seniors. And just as importantly, it’s a great way to meet people of all different ages” said Karl.

The Paddle Taps facility, based in Worthington, Ohio, offers 17 indoor courts and features a restaurant, bar, and pro shop for pickleball players of all levels.

The Big 65 is now the primary sponsor of Paddle Taps’ Silver Sneaker and Renew Active Open play.

Ohio Medicare Insurance Broker Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Ohio.Karl Bruns-Kyler is the owner of The Big 65, an insurance company that provides Medicare insurance services to thirty-one states around the country, including Ohio. Karl’s role as a health insurance broker is to match Medicare beneficiaries with the right Medicare plan at the lowest price. For more information, visit

Do you know what it takes to live to 100?

Hello and may this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working well.

For Medicare questions, quotes, or quandaries, email or book a time on my calendar and we’ll get it sorted.

Long time clients (and friends) Jack and Adrienne shared this amazing picture celebrating Jack’s mom Bonnie’s 100th Birthday 🎂🎉.  Adrienne’s mom lived happily and well into her nineties so Jack and Adrienne have great role models!

Bonnie celebrating her 100th birthday!

Ever wonder what it takes to reach that magical milestone of 100 years? It’s not just about good genes or luck (of course they help). Let’s dive in to fun and practical tips to help us live well and perhaps make it to that centennial birthday.

David and Pam Lippy on the pickleball court smiling.

Stay Active and Engaged

First things first – keep moving! Whether it’s a morning walk, gardening, or joining a pickleball league, staying active is crucial. The Big 65 recently sponsored a tournament in Columbus, Ohio. I hear from clients across the country how much they enjoy the game. I’m pleased to say David and Pam attended and participated.

Pam Lippy poses in front of The Big 65 banner at Paddle Taps.

Pam is actually a professional pickleball player and instructor. This woman is so fit she may never die 😊.

Regular physical activity helps maintain mobility, balance, and overall health. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to socialize.

Bill at Home Depot atop his motorcycle.

Stay Connected

Maintain strong social ties. Family, friends, community groups—these connections keep us happy and grounded. I ran into Bill at Home Depot and just by reconnecting and saying hello, both of us felt better.

And if you enjoy traveling like my wife and I do, use it as an opportunity to meet new people and experience new things.

Susanna and her boyfriend with Quantz at a festival in Colorado.

Last weekend, we attended a Bourbon and Bacon festival with Susanna and her boyfriend. All three of them practiced moderation, but I was a bit of a pig 🐷😂.

Karl at the Bourbon and Bacon festival in Colorado.

It was great to spend time with Sus and KC and while we were in the mountains, we discovered the world’s first aqua doodle 🐩💧, good old Plato!

Plato the black and white dog playing in a lake.

Find Joy in the Little Things

Take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life: a cup of coffee at a cozy café, a walk through town, or a quiet moment in your garden. These small moments add up to a fulfilling life.

Carmen has two beautiful grandchildren who live overseas. She recently celebrated the arrival of her first grand dog, Jamie. AFTER puppies are potty trained, THEN they reduce the blood pressure, right Carmen?

Carmen holding her grand-dog.

Regular Check ups

Stay on top of your health with regular check-ups. Early detection of potential issues can make a big difference. And of course, make sure your Medicare coverage is up to date to avoid any surprises. Preventive health checks are the most important thing we can do to maintain good health.

Karl getting a check-up with his healthcare professional.

Living to 100 isn’t just about the years in your life but the life in your years. Embrace these tips, stay vibrant, and here’s to a long, healthy, and joyful journey ahead!

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Refer a Friend:  If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Agency.

Are you ready for the final flight?

May this blog post find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly 😊.

Beautiful sky over the Annual Election Period.

Just in case your phone isn’t illegally ringing off the hook, the Annual Election Period began last week and I keep hearing all the bogus call centers are bugging the snot out of everybody.

Remember to book a time here if we need to talk or update your Medicare insurance coverage or if your friends and family need help. If everything is working fine, ignore the noise.

Remember: anyone who calls YOU about Medicare without permission is BREAKING THE LAW. Ask for their insurance license number and watch them disappear 👿.

Hunters in Canada in the very early morning of the day.

My little brother Haas and his buddies fulfilled a lifetime bucket list event: bird hunting in Saskatoon, Canada. And though I’m not a hunter anymore, I was pretty dang impressed by their adventure.

A brown hunting dog eagerly awaits the hunt in Canada.

Ten friends, two dogs, 2,300 decoys, plus gear, traveled 5,300 miles to Saskatoon, Canada to do what they love doing.

White decoys in a Canadian field.

For six days, they got up early, scouted terrain, set up decoys, coordinated plans and had the adventure of their lives.

A brown hunting dog holding a bird in its mouth.

You can see it in their smiles… the joy and the happiness that comes from doing things that are meaningful for you. What are you waiting for?

A group of men making a toast to the beginning of the Annual Election Period.

Last weekend, I travelled to the Shenandoah Valley and paid my respects at the wake of a friend.

Jann White memorial in Virginia.

Jann was one of those people everyone loved. She was kind, compassionate, delightful, and the person who always lit up the room just by showing up.

Jann White memorial in Virginia.

Friends and family shared memories and listened to her favorite songs. We told stories, shared drinks, savored delicious marzipan cupcakes and remembered Jann with love, laughter, and tears. It was a beautiful afternoon.

A life of joy means every bite is the best thing ever.

Most of us don’t know when we’re going to die, but we do know it is going to happen, so do your family a favor…be prepared. Don’t leave them in the lurch.

  • Create a will and designate beneficiaries.
  • Complete Power of Attorney and Medical Power of Attorney.
  • Organize your important documents and have passwords and logons in a file.
  • Manage your debts and make sure your family knows how to handle them.
  • Write down and discuss your funeral and burial plans.
  • Talk openly with your family about your end of life plans.
  • Write down your personal wishes and important information.

This list is not all inclusive but it’s a start. Here’s a link that may be helpful.

Every time I lose a friend, a family member or a client, I try to remember that Latin phrase, memento mori, meaning…

A gentleman playing with his dog and savoring the meaning of life.

Remember you must die.” The lives we are given pass so quickly it’s helpful to use these encounters to move us forward, to keep us focused on what remains, what can be done, what we still have the passion to do.

Dr. Rob Kyler of Staunton, Virginia enjoying the great outdoors and preparing for The Annual Election Period.

Five years ago this summer, my older brother severed his spinal cord in a biking accident. How easy it would have been for him to have defined his life by this event.

Dr. Rob Kyler playing paddleball with friends.

Instead, Robert chose to use this brush with death and adversity as wake up call to continue living, and living well, living a life of service, as a physician and a mentor, and a life of activity.

Rob Kyler enjoying fall pumpkins as Medicare's Annual Election Period looms in the near future.

Never pretend life is easy, but it is an adventure, a combination of the hand we are dealt and how we choose to play the cards. Play with intention and choose your partners wisely.

Q in Armenia.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
– Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-seven states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.

Watch out for dentists under 30!

Happy October!

May this note find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly 😊.

Are you enjoying the autumn weather? The Annual Election Period begins tomorrow, October 15th! Book a time here if we need to talk. If you’re happy and all is well with your coverage, ignore the noise.

Karl Bruns-Kyler and his dog Plato preparing for Medicare's Annual Election Period.

Remember: anyone who calls YOU about Medicare without permission is BREAKING THE LAW. Ask for their insurance license number and watch them disappear 👿.

Last week, Jason and I hung out with our buddy Carry the dentist and played a game called Padel, similar to Pickleball but kind of like squash. It was great fun, but the interesting part was the conversation afterwards.

Karl Bruns-Kyler with Jason and Carry the dentist playing Padel (similar to Pickleball) Watch out for dentists under 30!

Carry said many younger dentists can sometimes be a little too aggressive in looking for issues to address in the mouths of their clients.  Watch out for dentists under 30!

Claire in the stein holding contest for Oktoberfest.

Any time a healthcare provider recommends significant work (or a major procedure), it makes sense to get a second opinion.

Rose Stauffer, childhood friend of Karl Bruns-Kyler who has written a young adult novel.

As I speak with clients from all over the country, it’s amazing to me how many go overseas to have their dental work completed. It’s usually a fraction of the cost and you get to see a new place.

Remember to do your due diligence, but it’s definitely something to consider.

Karl and his friend Paul who is a long-term care insurance specialist.

Here are a couple of dental plans we’ve added for review:

None of them are perfect, (and I do have others) but sometimes they can be helpful.

Karl's brother Dr. Rob Kyler picking pumpkins in upstate New York in Amish country.

My big brother Robert and his wife Nancy sent this picture from upstate New York, searching out pumpkins in Amish country. Robert continues to practice medicine, travel, mentor Medical students, play pickleball and stay well engaged with life. He is my role model for living a life of service and living well.

But if you want to know what really makes him happy⬇️ …

Rob Kyler holding his new grandchild Nell.

Of course I’m being redundant, but I cannot overstate the importance of human connections. People, that’s why we are here. The more we connect, the happier we will be and the healthier we will be.

Social connections are related to longevity in humans.

Bayne and his wife Tami got the message and connected with 45,000 Braves fan. He texted me this picture in the bottom of the 8th inning after the Braves pulled it out, how fun was that!

Bayne and Tami at an Atlanta Braves baseball game.

Don’t worry, I found a way to celebrate remotely and show my solidarity! Next time you have a great experience, text a friend and share it! Better yet, send it to me and I’ll share it with a thousand of my closest friends!

Karl Bruns-Kyler celebrating the start of Medicare's AEP.

If you are curious about my amazing wife, Quantz, here she is below.

Quantz Bruns-Kyler and Nicholas together.

See this lad below? His name is Zach Demesa and I coached him in soccer when he was a much younger lad. On Saturday, 10/21/23, he’ll be dotting the Ohio “I” for the Ohio State Marching Band when they play Penn State. Look for him at half time. It is the ULTIMATE Buckeye honor (apologies to Michigan and all the other Big 10 Teams).

Zach Demesa of the Ohio State Marching Band.

Remember, there is no them… there is only us!

Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
– Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-seven states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.

Don’t be a hero this weekend!

May this newsletter-blog post find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly as we prepare for the 4th of July Smile emoji..

Are you getting outside and enjoying life?  Great, but don’t be a hero this weekend! 

Perhaps you should check out pickleball! The game is fun, inexpensive, and a great way to meet people.

Just be sure you do the right preparation before starting!

USPTA Certified Teaching Pro Pam Lippy holding a pickleball racquet and ball.

According to USPTA Certified Teaching Pro Pam Lippy (, who runs Pickleball Clinics in Ohio and Florida, it is imperative to get clearance from your doctor and to also do dynamic stretching before you just jump on a court and start playing.

Two ladies holding an oversized plastic pickle for pickleball.

According to a recent Bloomberg article, Pickleball may be responsible for nearly $400 million in medical costs! Hip injuries, torn ligaments, and sprains.

A lot of this is caused by over eager players with a “can do attitude” who don’t take the time to warm up properly and get the training they need to get started.

Group of smiling people on pickleball court.

Just remember what my daughter said to me many years ago when I came back from soccer with a torn calf muscle: “Daddy, don’t be a hero!”

Keep trying new things, but be careful Smile emoji..

Aftermath of Highlands Ranch tornado including pile of trees.

Life is getting back to normal here in Colorado after last week’s tornado. Miraculously, no one was injured but we did lose thousands of trees. This is the park behind our house where the trees are being mulched.

Quantz and friends walking in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Q and I have had so much fun hanging out with our neighbor Vickie and her grandvarmints.

Cute kid shows grandmother a spider in Colorado.

Going on walks and exploring nature with them has been so much fun.

We know how hot it’s been for Medicare clients in the South and the Midwest. Plato hopes you’re staying cool.

Cute kid playing with Plato in Colorado.

We’ve had more rain in the last three months than we did in the previous year, but this week, we had a couple of days in the 90’s and our bees are doing their best to adapt.

This is called bearding when the girls build up on the outside of the hive. I thought they might be swarming but my bee buddy Toly set me straight. Keep your fingers crossed they produce a ton of honey Bee emjoji.

Beehive bearding in Colorado.

Congratulations to Jack and Adrienne on the celebration of their 24th wedding anniversary. Their smiles say it all. Adrienne, please send more pics of your puppy doodle Winston, people have been asking!

Jack and Adrienne celebrate 24th wedding anniversary.

Summer means different things to different people, but to my little brother Haas, it means fishing the rivers of the Shenandoah Valley.

Haas holding a fish he caught in Virginia.

Our Air Force son, Nicholas, has been deployed to Eastern Europe where he and his fellow Airmen are working twelve hours days six days a week.

We give thanks for tech that allows us to screen share and stay in touch.

Nicholas talking to Karl Bruns-Kyler and The Big 65.

Nico and the other soldiers have befriended a local cat now named “Perogi,” feeding him leftovers and trying to fatten him up. It’s those little connections that make all the difference.

Be sure to keep all our soldiers in your prayers.

Perogi the kitty cat and friend of the US Air Force.

That’s it for this week; Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
– Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-three states around the country, including:


New Hampshire

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.