How will you be remembered🪦?

Greetings and may this note find you in great health with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working properly.

Saturday, December 7 is the final day of the Annual Election Period!  Gray and I are working on Saturday.

Call 877-850-0211 if you still need to speak about Part D drug plans💊.

  • If you have a Medicare supplement plan, we can shop premiums any month of the year (if you are in good health🥗🍎💪🌿✨).
  • If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, there is an Open Election Period from January 1st till March 31st where you are still able to make one change.

Nicholas and Plato in the snow.

The winter weather continues in Colorado and we sure have been enjoying the precious time with family before our Airman Nicholas heads back overseas. Where does the time go?

Sus on a ladder decorating the Bruns-Kyler Christmas tree.

Last weekend, we celebrated a Thanksgiving Christmas combo, turkey and Santa Claus. It was so much fun to pull out the old ornaments, this one from my great great grandparents, 1853. The bottom line translates as “remember us from the grave,” wow!

A silver Christmas ornament.

Holidays are when we hope to strengthen family bonds and build lasting memories.  But, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here are a few ideas to help you stay happy, healthy, and grounded through the end of the year.

The Bruns-Kyler family making a toast at the family Thanksgiving meal.

  • Stay Active:  Enjoy family walks, gentle yoga, or even a snowball fight! Movement helps manage stress and keeps energy levels high.
  • Eat Smart:  Indulge in holiday treats but aim for balance. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in your meals.
  • Rest Well:  Prioritize sleep to recharge your body and mind for all the festivities.

    The Bruns-Kyler family enjoying the Christmas tree in their living room.
  • Be Present:  Put down the phone and focus on real conversations. Ask family members about their favorite memories or future plans.
  • Practice Gratitude:  Share what you’re thankful for—this small act can boost everyone’s mood.
  • Create New Traditions:  Whether it’s baking cookies, watching a classic movie, or volunteering together, building memories is what the holidays are about.The Bruns-Kyler family together in their living room.
  • Set Boundaries:  It’s okay to say no to events or requests that feel overwhelming.
  • Plan Ahead:  Organize holiday tasks early to avoid last-minute chaos.
  • Breathe:  Take a moment to relax with deep breathing or a short meditation if things feel hectic.
    A man and a woman hugging each other.
  • Volunteer:  Help out at a local shelter, or support a charity close to your heart. Quantz has been delivering Meals on Wheels and really enjoying it.
  • Check on Neighbors:  Reach out to elderly neighbors or those who may be spending the holidays alone.

We’re going to blink and the holidays (and our lives) will be over. Just like my great great grandparents ask to be remembered from the grave – how will you be remembered?

Nicholas at the airport.
Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).

Karl Bruns-Kyler

(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

It’s not you, really truly!

May this blog find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly 😊.

Plato vs a bug

At the risk of being redundant (and my wife Q says I am often redundant)…

The Annual Election Period has begun 😱!

Medicare is a pain in the a.

Remember: anyone who calls YOU about Medicare without permission is BREAKING THE LAW. Ask for their insurance license number and watch them disappear 👿.

Medicare complaints phone number line.

If you’re happy with coverage, you don’t have to make changes (unless you’ve been notified your plan is ending). But if you’re curious or you just want peace of mind, book a time on my calendar. That’s why Plato and I are here 🐶😉.

Since Q is still on the road, (congrats to Anju for recognizing the castle in Syracusa, Italy) and things are not insanely busy, yet…

Plato let me know it was time for a road trip, a quick drive into the Rockies⛰️.

Plato in the front seat with Karl on their trip to the Rocky Mountains.

We travelled I-70 west to Winter Park, then continued on to Grand Lake for lunch while waiting for Rocky Mountain National Park to open for us leaf watchers without a reservation.

Karl and Plato enjoying the sunshine together in the Rocky Mountains.

If you haven’t already purchased a Senior National Park Pass, consider it! $80 bucks for folks over 62 and it lasts a lifetime. Now that’s a bargain.

Plato and Karl in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Plato had a great time sniffing everything, signing his name here and there and making new friends.

By myself, I’m just another old fart taking up space in the park, but with Plato…

Plato, the VIP (very important pooch).

I’m the bodyguard for a VIP (very important pooch).

Karl working with the bee hives in his backyard in Colorado.

You ever notice how easy it is to misread people?. At an exercise class on Sunday, I held the door for a lady and she had the meanest look on her face that it almost ruined my day 😠.  That’s when I learned – it’s not you, really truly!

Bee sting danger sign.

I assumed that I had done something wrong and started to take it personally.

Isn’t that how it goes? Somebody cuts us off, makes a strange comment, responds in a strange way or doesn’t say thank you, and we take it personally.

It’s so easy to assume we are at the center of the earth.

It's not you, really truly!


Since class didn’t start for another 10 minutes, I chose to reach out and discover the rest of the story.

It’s turns out that day was her dad’s 79th birthday… and he had died when she was TEN YEARS OLD.

Every October 1st she bakes his favorite dessert, a carrot cake, and shares it with her family. What a story.

Suz holding Plato as her boyfriend looks on.

I could have spent the entire class ruminating on what jerks people are… instead, I got a dose of humility and gratitude.

By taking the time to connect (instead of stewing in anger) the arc of the day pivoted and my mood changed dramatically.

Quantz in Tunisia.

Carry that message this week: it’s not about us! Everyone has their own story going on and it’s up to each of us to peel the onion, find out the real deal, and treat others with kindness.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
-Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-seven states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker logo.

This could make your day better!

May this blog post find you in great health with your Medicare Insurance working properly. This could make your day better!

Plato and The Big 65 Medicare insurance broker in Highlands Ranch Colorado.

Some of us are tired of the snow, but Plato doesn’t mind.

Sue in Cloud Forests of Costa Rica and a friend of The Big 65.

Bob and Sue found a way to beat the cold in the Cloud Forests of Costa Rica.

Quantz and Plato in Highlands Ranch Medicare insurance

Back home, Q says she’s not going out till it’s warm.

Guess who’s walking Plato?

Karl Bruns-Kyler The Big 65 and Plato in the snow in Highlands Ranch discuss something that might make your day better.

One of the benefits of walking is connections… neighbors, friends, strangers.

According to yet another article:

“Such seemingly trivial interactions have been shown to boost people’s positive moods and reduce their odds of depressed moods. Weak ties matter, not just for our moods but our health.”

Brenda and her granddaughter_The Big 65 friends.

Most of my work is over the phone, but this week I had the privilege of several face to face meetings. It did my heart good.

Feel the love between Brenda and her granddaughter?

Carol in the lobby_The Big 65.

I met Carol in the lobby of the repair shop by happenstance. She’s a retired physical therapist and a skier who always carries treats.

Carol’s life is filled with service as she volunteers for ARCH, an adaptive recreational program for kids here in Colorado.

Nothing replaces human connection; we are wired to connect so please…

Greet your barista, be extra kind to the cashier, nod to someone you don’t know.

Good for them, good for you!

Here’s a surprise: online advertisers prey on consumer weakness.

Online advertisers prey on consumer weakness.

When an ad shows up in your data stream with an “AMAZING DEAL…”

Due your diligence. Shop around before clicking.

Bella with Jackson the Fox Terrier_The Big 65 friends.

Who’s gonna take of your pets if you die?

This is Jackson, an ancient Fox Terrier, deaf and almost blind whose owner recently died.

Thank goodness the family made provisions for Jackson to be with Bella, a happy ending, indeed.

Don’t leave too many big surprises, do your planning.

Human Bait Needed crazy advertisement.

Anybody need a part time job ?

Thanks to Jonathan for sharing.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray,

If family or friends need… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
– Robert B

Happy with my Service?  Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-three states around the country, including:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Minnesota Medicare insurance agent Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Minnesota.

Here’s a Little Food For Thought

May this blog post find you in good health with your Medicare Insurance working properly.

Remember to reach out if you are having issues with your coverage. That’s why I’m here and also the purpose of this newsletter:  to keep us connected.

Here’s a Little Food For Thought …

Child in traditional costume on horseback_via The Big 65

Meanwhile, my wife Quantz is still in Burma exploring the cultural sites while I work from Thailand where the internet makes it much easier to run daily appointments and to help clients with their Medicare issues.

Quantz pets the big elephant in Burma via The Big 65.

Q tells me she is one of the first (and perhaps the only) American tourist in Burma since the coup.

Quantz with two boys in Burma_via the Big 65 and Karl Bruns-Kyler.

I didn’t want Q to go on this part of the trip, but there is no stopping her when her mind is made up.

Burma scene from afar with compliments of The Big 65.

Now that Burma is open to tourism again, the regime is trying hard to keep visitors safe (while they oppress their own people).

Quantz carrying hay in Burma.

Apparently the police call her daily to make certain she is ok and are doing everything they can to make sure my crazy wife Q doesn’t cause an international incident.

Busful of monks in Thailand_via The Big 65 and Karl Bruns-Kyler.

Q is having an amazing adventure in Burma and I have zero regrets about staying in and working from Thailand.

Water scene in Thailand from The Big 65.

My meaning and purpose come from being a good husband, a good provider, and always being available to clients no matter where we are in the world, even if Q and I need to be apart from time to time.

Quantz wearing neck ring in Burma.

Q was told the Karen people wear these neck rings either to: protect them from tigers, make them look less attractive (making the women less likely to be kidnapped) or as a symbol of beauty. There are many theories.

In life (and in marriage) perspective is everything.

Cute kid on horseback via The Big 65.

As we age, maintaining mental flexibility and constantly challenging our assumptions and beliefs is essential to long term happiness and proper cognitive function.

Monkey posting in Thailand with The Big 65.

When I encounter new situations or someone with different beliefs, I often find myself defaulting to a negative mindset, assuming the worst about a person or a situation.

There are so many Russians on vacation in Thailand, and to most of us Westerners, they appear cold, insensitive, and very different.

They seem so pushy that it’s often hard to avoid a negative response.

I’m guessing some people in the world think the same about us. Nevertheless, we know the majority of Americans, regardless of beliefs, are incredibly generous and kind.

Karl translating Russian language on iPhone_The Big 65.

After realising how negative I was becoming, I finally pushed myself to challenge this assumption.

Using google translate, I introduced myself to two young Russians and ended up spending an hour in a fascinating conversation that gave much more empathy for the Russian people who have lived under horrible despots since time out of mind.

Karl riding with man on motorcycle_Karl Bruns-Kyler.

It doesn’t mean that I like the way they live, it means I have a better understanding of why they are this way.

Challenging default assumptions brings perspective. As we age, maintaining a flexible mind will certainly make life more pleasant for each of us and can improve the quality of our daily encounters.

Here’s an article you may find of interest, some of the keys to aging well. Check it out because you are probably doing many of these things already.

Woman using makeup from Thanaka tree in Burma.

One of the things Q sees in Burma is that the Thanaka tree is pulverized and used as a cosmetic by men and women to protect the skin and to look beautiful.

Two boys with makeup on made from Thanaka tree in Burma.

I’ll never wear it, but I’m glad I understand why they do it.

That’s what travel does, it opens us up to new perspectives. Never stop being curious!

Tulip magnolia in South Carolina from friends of The Big 65 and Karl Bruns-Kyler.

Back in my favorite country, Claire in South Carolina assures me Spring is on the way. Aren’t these tulip magnolias beautiful?

This week, I received a ton of emails asking about our dog Plato back in Colorado.

Don’t worry! Plato, our mighty Bernedoodle, is living the life of Riley with our daughter Sus (and all of her animals.)

Sus had Plato groomed and he sends his regards to everyone!

Plato in Colorado_friend of The Big 65 Colorado.

That’s it for this week. Keep squeezing the juice out of life.

And, if you are having Medicare questions or problems, email Gray,, or just book a time on my calendar.

We are here if you need us.

Let me know what’s going on your life, please send pictures for the newsletter, and remember…

Referrals are the lifeblood of my business!

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
-Robert B

Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-two states around the country, including:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker logo



Paperwork That Matters

May this blog post find you in good health with your Medicare Coverage working properly.  Today, I want to discuss paperwork that matters.  But first …

Aren’t these kids cute? I’m a sucker for dinosaur jammies, must be the grandpa instinct kicking in, eh?

Karl Bruns-Kyler holding cute kids in Vietnam

Many of you tell me about the joy you receive from your grandvarmints and how important they are to you (at least till they start being teenagers).

Some clients hope to leave something to the next generation. Others say their plan is to spend it all and enjoy life to the fullest.

Either way, most of us hope we will never be a burden to our spouses, our children, or our grandchildren. And yet…

I speak with clients REGULARLY who may be leaving their loved ones in a tight spot if they don’t get this right. Click on the picture below to make sure this isn’t you.

If we live long enough, we are going to die. Therefore, it is essential to have these documents in place long before we need them:

    1. Last Will & Testament
    2. Trust (if necessary)
    3. Power of Attorney
    4. Healthcare Power of Attorney
    5. Living Will
    6. HIPAA Release
    7. Letter Of Intent


Not having these documents in place can cause terrible difficulties for your family, so take the time to leave them in a good situation.

If you already have them in place, make sure they are up to date. If you haven’t done them, look for an Eldercare Attorney or consider these forms as a starting pointThis is paperwork that matters to everyone.

New friends Tim and Kate in Cambodia with The Big 65.
While travelling in Cambodia, we met and made friends with Tim and Kate, a father/daughter duo from South Carolina exploring the world together.

Tim is and his wife are retired and Kate is engaged and plans to start working when they return from their adventure. What a great way to build a lifelong memory.

Pol Pot Killing Tree_The Big 65 Colorado Insurance Broker

When I’m not working, Q always makes sure we visit places of historical interest. In Cambodia, we visited the killing fields where millions were killed by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. It was such a sobering experience and an important reminder of how things can go wrong in the world.

Chum Mey, typewriter repairman with Karl Bruns Kyler and The Big 65.

In the capital, Phnom Penh, we had the privilege of meeting Chum Mey, a typewriter repairman, and one of only seven (out of 20,000) who survived Pol Pot’s murderous prison, S-21. The reason the the seven were kept alive is they had specific skills the Khmer needed. What a miracle to have survived. Chum is such an inspirational person and so kind despite the darkness he lived through. What a lesson for us all.

Man watering garden in Vietnam.

We have so enjoyed getting out of the cities and seeing the countryside.

Farmer with small crabs in Vietnam with The Big 65 Medicare Broker.

Asia is graying faster than almost any other part of the world. People are working longer and also staying active, which is a good thing. This farmer showed us the small crabs she gathered from the dry rice paddy on her farm.

Oliver the owl in Vietnam with The Big 65.

While visiting some caves near Luang Prabang, we met a group of children illegally selling wildlife to tourists. Buying this owl, we named him Oliver, was probably the wrong thing to do, he cost three dollars, but we did it anyway.

Oliver the owl on balcony with The Big 65.

We brought him back to the hotel and uncaged him on the balcony (of course he bit Quantz, because no good deed goes unpunished.)

Oliver stayed till night fall and then disappeared. Of course it won’t change the world, but it made us feel better.

Vietnam scene_Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65.

That’s it for now. The reason I’m here is to make sure your coverage is working the way you expected it to be working.

So if you’re having issues, and you’ve already called your insurance carrier, reach out to Gray, my right hand man,, and we’ll make sure things get taken care of.

PLEASE forward this newsletter to anyone you know who needs help with their Medicare coverage.

Karl Bruns-Kyler

(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

As a novice to navigating the Medicare system, I cannot recommend the services of Karl enough. His knowledge has saved my wife and I a lot of money, both on the Medicare supplement insurance and the drug coverage. Costs you nothing to listen and has saved up thousands of dollars over time.
-Robert B

Happy with my Service?  Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-two states around the country, including:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

“We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.”

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker logo


How To Use Your Crystallized Intelligence

I hope you’ve been avoiding the Medicare trolls and incessant telemarketers. Beware of anyone who promises too much! Meanwhile, Plato says Happy SNowvember

Here are a few stories that may inspire you to use your crystallized intelligence.

Last Saturday, when we were walking, we ran into a buddy who saved his newly born grandchild’s life. The baby was born prematurely and was not putting on weight. After one ounce of milk, the baby stopped nursing and the newly minted doctor ordered a feeding tube but the feeding tube was not fixing the problem. The baby was still losing weight.

My buddy had been actively involved in the feeding and the care of all sixteen of his other grandchildren and he took the doctor to task.

He asked for the chance to remedy the situation by being allowed to take over the feeding. In one night, using the learning of a lifetime, Bill turned the situation around.

When morning came around, his grandbaby had consumed 2 and 1/2 bottles of formula and was on the road to living. No feeding tube was needed after Bill worked his magic.

Plato Happy Snowvember from The Big 65

We often think of aging as a diminishing process. However, don’t underestimate the power of crystallized intelligence … the wisdom we have gained over a lifetime.

In our younger years, it’s our fluid intelligence that helps us succeed. As we age, crystallized intelligence makes us specialists in certain areas and the onus is upon us to use that wisdom for good.

Since I’ve already made every mistake in the book, I try to use what I have learned to mentor the lives of younger people (and of course to help all of you with Medicare).

Aging well should also include growth, learning and trying new things, but do look for ways to share what you have learned over life with your tribe. How are you going to help others?

Here’s how Martin has helped ...

Martin is a buddy of mine in France. He bought this barren farm in 1992 when he had a still had a head full of hair. Over the next thirty years, he worked as a teacher and spent his free time transforming the land into a forest. Martin jokes that though he lost hair, he regrew it on the land. That, to me, is a legacy.

Famed psychologist Raymond Cattell describes crystallized intelligence as what we acquire from past experiences, through knowledge, and culture.

There are more ways we can learn to use our crystallized intelligence for enriching the lives of our fellow humans.

Tom’s Halloween Masterpiece …

Tom's Halloween Masterpiece That Kids Love

Neighbor Tom takes pleasure every year in building a Halloween spectacle. Though his kids have been out of the house for quite a while, Tom has created a masterpiece that brings joy to everyone who sees it. Each year, his monster madness is more amazing than the year before.

Ed and Perri walking with their dog_neighbors of The Big 65

Ed and Perri are neighbors. We usually run into each other out on the trails with our dogs. Though I don’t know them well, I always enjoy our casual conversations. Everything I read says these connections are essential to living well, to staying connected. So, keep looking for ways to stay connected, that is the secret sauce.

You all know that I love Colorado, but if you are looking for “Almost Heaven…”

Shenandoah Valley in Virginia_The Big 65 Medicare Broker

You have to go where I grew up, the Shenandoah Valley, the edge of West Virginia.

Haas in Virginia_brother of Karl and a friend of The Big 65

My little brother Haas lives deep in the Valley and he’s loving his new puppy, Georgia, even when she causes trouble. He takes her everywhere he goes.

Haas with Georgia in Virginia_The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker

Georgia says watch out for “Medicare bull” and don’t underestimate the power of your own crystallized intelligence. And let me know what’s going on in your world and how I can help. 

Please forward this newsletter to all your friends and family! Remember, referrals are the lifeblood of my business. And thank you.

Have a great week, be safe, and call me if you need me.

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker licensed to help Medicare recipients in twenty-two states around the country. States served by Karl include:

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

Pennsylvania Medicare insurance agent Karl Kyler