Avoid these rookie🙀 Medicare🚑 Mistakes💸🤭!

Greetings and may this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working properly.

Plato says he’s pretty excited about the 12 inches of snow we received. He loves the snow!

Plato playing in the Colorado snow.

For Medicare questions, quotes, or quandaries, email Gray@TheBig65.com or book a time on my calendar and we’ll get it sorted.

It’s been a delight catching up with so many of you these past few weeks but it sure has been a challenge staying on schedule. I’ve been doing ice baths every morning at 4:30 AM to get ready for the day. It’s supposed to be great for metabolic health. I’ll keep you posted on my numbers!

Karl sitting in an ice bath in his backyard covered with snow.

Hard to believe, a week ago, it was beautiful and sunny. Q was raking leaves.

Q raking leaves in Colorado.

I was prepping candy boards just as the snow warnings came.

Karl working on candy boards.

It seems like every year, the process gets a little easier. But…

You have to pay attention to the details (like adding a bit of vinegar to prevent mold).

A candy board in the backyard.

If you don’t pay attention to details, the hives will perish and you don’t get honey.

A hot stove in the kitchen.

If you don’t pay attention to the Medicare details, bad things can happen.

Did you know that Medicare won’t always pay for ambulances?

Karl in his beekeeping suite.

Client Judy in Denver shared the story of a neighbor who had to pay the full cost of her ambulance. Turns out, if it’s not a life threatening emergency, you may get stuck with the bill.

Beautiful view of the sun.

Medicare will not pay for ambulance services if:

1. It’s Not a Medical Emergency:  Medicare only covers ambulance rides when it’s necessary for your health. If you could safely travel by another method, they won’t pay.

2. No Doctor’s Order for Non-Emergency Rides:  For planned, non-emergency ambulance rides, you need a doctor’s written order stating it’s necessary. Without it, Medicare may not cover the trip.

3. Going Farther Than Needed:  Medicare pays for rides to the nearest suitable medical facility. If you go farther without a medical reason, you’ll pay extra.

4. No Advance Notice:  In some non-emergency cases, if the ambulance company thinks Medicare won’t cover the ride, they must give you an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) first. If they don’t and Medicare denies payment, you might not have to pay for it.

Here’s the book with all the details. Buyer beware!

Nicholas in the Air Force.

Our son Nicholas just finished his first tour of duty in the Air Force stationed in Britain. We can’t wait to see him.

Becky and Joe with a jar of honey from The Big 65 bees.

Thanks to Becky and Joe for the Google review. They live around the corner so I was able to drop off their honey the day before the storm.

We still have plenty so feel free to leave us a review on Google or Facebook. If you were promised honey and it hasn’t arrived, please let us know.

A nice lady holding a birthday cake.

Happy 66th to this young lady (her husband said they had to use the previous year’s candles😂). I accidentally deleted the sender’s name😅, so please send me your name and you’ll get honey as well!

A nice lady in front of red rocks.

A big shout out to Marcia and her hubby for sending pictures of their great travel adventure…8000 miles across 15 states in their 42 foot motor home over two months, Florida to Montana. Now that’s living large, right Bruce😊.

Sitting on an oversized chair.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

A jar of honey from The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Broker, Karl Bruns-Kyler.

Get ready for the (Medicare) Fall

Greetings and may this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working properly.

Q sends her greetings from Madagascar where she’s still exploring and making up for thirty plus years of working way too hard. Me? I am happily back home getting ready for the busy season, yikes!

We’re five weeks away from the Annual Election Period and I’m starting to feel a little bit like how this chameleon looks.

A grey chameleon holding on to a small branch.

Changes are definitely coming. Even this lemur is curious.

Quantz looking at a Lemur.

If you have a Medicare Supplement (plan G, plan N, etc.), the changes will not be significant. If you’ve been in your plan for more than two years, and you are in decent health, it’s probably a good idea for us to shop the rates.

Medigap/Medicare Supplemental plans can be shopped any month of the year, so feel free to book a time in September if you like.

An animal sticking its tongue out.

If you have a Part D drug plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan, here’s what to do to prevent sticker shock in January.

When “the Annual Notice of Changes” arrives, please open it and look at the costs, the benefits, and your drugs.

Reading through the changes will take less time than it took me to refinish these barrels (Plato refused to help).

Karl working on a barrel as Plato watches.

Some Part D drug plans and some specific Medicare Advantage plans may be going away entirely😱 .

Some plans may have significant price increases 😡.

Some drugs may no longer be covered 😨.

Some drugs may be less expensive😊.

Some people won’t need to make any changes at all.

Please don’t stick out your tongue and forget about it.

A lizard sticking out its tongue.

If we’ve been working together, then I have a copy of your medications and your doctors.

You’ll get a letter from me at the end of the month telling you it’s time for us to chat, including this fancy schmancy jar opener/mouse pad.

A jar opener/mousepad with a log of The Big 65.

After you book an appointment, please email Gray, Gray@TheBig65.com, and tell him you would like to update your medications before we speak.

Gray will send you a link with your current medications. You can update them yourself or chat with him on the phone and he will help you. October 15th till December 7th is when we can make changes.

Jeanne and Vincent on a golf course in Scotland.

Jeanne and Vincent should be back from their adventures in Scotland by then and I’ll have plenty of slots open if we need to speak.

Q tells me she should be home by then… assuming she learns how to cook onions, cassava, and salt.

Quantz crushing something with a long stick.

Congrats Jim in Illinois, Betsy in Denver, Louie in Pennsylvania for guessing the mountains in this picture. The answer is Maroon Bells.

Karl holding a painting of Karl and Plato as Plato looks on.

Thanks again to client Mike in Atlanta for the painting. He is getting a Starbucks card as well!

Mike in Atlanta.

This week’s “don’t be a hero” award goes to neighbor John. John is one of the amazing guys who never stops hustling. Though retired, he still teaches part time, travels, has a yard way nicer than mine, and he loves to play pickleball.

That’s what got him in trouble…trying a little too hard to make the point… and then continuing to play after he was injured. The good news, he is definitely on the mend.

Everyone, repeat after John, “don’t be a hero ‍⚕️😊🎾👨‍⚕️!”

A gentleman with his left arm in a sling.

We got great news from our Air Force son in Britain. Knock on wood, come December, he’ll be deployed in Italy. We’re very proud of this young rascal and we can’t wait to visit. You know we love to travel.

Nicholas sitting on a motorcycle.

In the meantime, Plato and I have decided to learn a new hobby, paddleboarding. Don’t worry, we’ll do our best not to be heroes.

Karl and Plato sitting on a paddle board in Karl's backyard.

Plato is a rule follower and he was exhausted after sanding the barrels.

Karl's backyard at night.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services.

Do you really need that preventive screening?

As they say in Georgia, გამარჯობა gamarjoba. May this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working properly.

For Medicare questions, quotes, or quandaries, email Gray@TheBig65.com or book a time on my calendar and we’ll get it sorted.

No, my wife Q and I are not in Atlanta. Instead, I’m working from Tbilisi, Georgia, the oldest Christian country in the world, half way round the world.

Here in Liberty Square, there used to be a statue of Lenin. When the people threw off the communist yolk, the citizens replaced him with a statue of St. George (and the Dragon), the patron saint of the nation.

Georgians trace their lineage back to Kartlos, who is considered a great-grandson of Noah. It’s a fascinating place.

Karl eating a khachapuri at night.

So after helping Medicare clients all over the US, I then love to walk this 1,600 year old city late at night in search of local food, like this khachapuri, cheese bread, yummy and inexpensive.

If you ever see a Georgian restaurant or food truck, try the khinkali, soup filled meat dumplings that are addictive and delicious.

Quantz eating a khinkali in Georgia.

What surprised us most about Tbilisi? The food️ 🍽️, the wine 🍷, the buildings️ 🏛️?

Actually, it was all the well-kept street dogs 🐶😲!  Even on the Peace Bridge in the middle of the night, the dogs were everywhere.

Group of dogs sitting on the Peace Bridge in Georgia.

This is so different from the way we keep our dogs in the US. See Stevie below, the amazing rescue Huskey who loves to watch TV animal shows (and is spoiled by clients’ Ron and Karen in northern California).

Stevie the rescue Huskey watching television in Northern California.

These Georgia dogs (not to be confused with my Georgia College football Bulldawgs in Athens) live outside on the streets as protected mascots of the city.

They are chipped, spayed, or neutered, and receive food, vet care, and vaccinations to keep them healthy.

Which brings us to today’s topic: preventive health screenings.

Cute dog in the country of Georgia.

Whether you have a Medicare Supplement or a Medicare Advantage Plan, preventive health screenings are an essential part of wellness.

Appropriate preventive screenings track health risks, manage chronic health issues, and reduce the risk of an acute visit to the Emergency Room.

That’s the upside of preventive screenings. A recent article questions whether American health consumers are being screened too often for certain cancers.

A black shepherd dog sitting in a window.

In 2021, the United States spent $43 billion on screening for five types of cancer—breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and prostate—according to a study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine. This figure represents a significant portion of the annual expenditure on cancer care, which likely exceeds $250 billion.

A big yellow dog sitting on green grass next to a city street.

Colonoscopies, my least favorite procedure, account for 55% of the total screening expenditures.

This dog, next to Q, slept like a rock, until lunch was served, then suddenly he was awake. Coincidence?

Quantz sipping a drink in a restaurant as a white dogs sleeps near her.

Despite the high costs of screenings, experts argue colonoscopies are valuable as they can both detect and prevent cancer by allowing surgeons to act quickly.

These old stairs in the back streets of Tbilisi made me think of a colonoscopy or maybe an Escher drawing! Better be friends with your neighbors here.

The back streets of Tbilisi.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force supports screening for four of the five cancers studied, particularly highlighting its effectiveness for cervical and colorectal cancer. However, the benefits for prostate cancer remain inconclusive, and the task force is currently updating its guidelines.

As a Medicare Insurance broker, I hear from you daily on the successes and the frustrations of navigating the healthcare system. It’s challenging to know the right thing to do, isn’t it?

Perhaps some contemplation and prayer in the Sioni Cathedral, built in the 7th century? It certainly couldn’t hurt.

Sioni Cathedral in Georgia.

Now, experts are advocating for a more nuanced discussion on the true value of cancer screening.

While screening does have benefits, its impact on overall mortality is often modest, suggesting that other factors, such as improved treatments and lifestyle changes, also play crucial roles in reducing cancer death rates.

So what should we do as consumers when it comes to preventive screening?

Well, you could ask our tour guide Giorgi (one out of every 12 Georgian men is named Giorgi!), but I don’t think he would know. Here’s our advice:

A group of people posing for a selfie photograph.

The next time you get a notification to have a preventive screening, talk to your doctor.

If you’re in an actual appointment, get your healthcare practitioner to look up from his or her dadburn screen and say:

Hey Doc, if you were in my situation, or, if it was your mom or dad in this situation, would you have them complete this preventive screening? What would you do, really?

Quantz holding a glass of unidentified liquid.

You might be surprised by their response. The bottom line: every Medicare consumer needs to self advocate. Challenge the system and ask good questions. Don’t be shy. Get your provider to slow down and treat you like a human.

That’s how the Georgians threw off the commies (maybe not exactly, but you get my drift). I’m rooting for them and their freedom and you know I’m rooting for you and your health!

In the meantime, wake up and smell the flowers, life is short!

A white-haired woman sleeping with her flowers on the sidewalk.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Karl Bruns-Kyler the Medicare insurance broker with The Big 65.

Do you know what it takes to live to 100?

Hello and may this blog find you in amazing health 💪 with your Medicare insurance coverage 🏥 working well.

For Medicare questions, quotes, or quandaries, email Gray@TheBig65.com or book a time on my calendar and we’ll get it sorted.

Long time clients (and friends) Jack and Adrienne shared this amazing picture celebrating Jack’s mom Bonnie’s 100th Birthday 🎂🎉.  Adrienne’s mom lived happily and well into her nineties so Jack and Adrienne have great role models!

Bonnie celebrating her 100th birthday!

Ever wonder what it takes to reach that magical milestone of 100 years? It’s not just about good genes or luck (of course they help). Let’s dive in to fun and practical tips to help us live well and perhaps make it to that centennial birthday.

David and Pam Lippy on the pickleball court smiling.

Stay Active and Engaged

First things first – keep moving! Whether it’s a morning walk, gardening, or joining a pickleball league, staying active is crucial. The Big 65 recently sponsored a tournament in Columbus, Ohio. I hear from clients across the country how much they enjoy the game. I’m pleased to say David and Pam attended and participated.

Pam Lippy poses in front of The Big 65 banner at Paddle Taps.

Pam is actually a professional pickleball player and instructor. This woman is so fit she may never die 😊.

Regular physical activity helps maintain mobility, balance, and overall health. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to socialize.

Bill at Home Depot atop his motorcycle.

Stay Connected

Maintain strong social ties. Family, friends, community groups—these connections keep us happy and grounded. I ran into Bill at Home Depot and just by reconnecting and saying hello, both of us felt better.

And if you enjoy traveling like my wife and I do, use it as an opportunity to meet new people and experience new things.

Susanna and her boyfriend with Quantz at a festival in Colorado.

Last weekend, we attended a Bourbon and Bacon festival with Susanna and her boyfriend. All three of them practiced moderation, but I was a bit of a pig 🐷😂.

Karl at the Bourbon and Bacon festival in Colorado.

It was great to spend time with Sus and KC and while we were in the mountains, we discovered the world’s first aqua doodle 🐩💧, good old Plato!

Plato the black and white dog playing in a lake.

Find Joy in the Little Things

Take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life: a cup of coffee at a cozy café, a walk through town, or a quiet moment in your garden. These small moments add up to a fulfilling life.

Carmen has two beautiful grandchildren who live overseas. She recently celebrated the arrival of her first grand dog, Jamie. AFTER puppies are potty trained, THEN they reduce the blood pressure, right Carmen?

Carmen holding her grand-dog.

Regular Check ups

Stay on top of your health with regular check-ups. Early detection of potential issues can make a big difference. And of course, make sure your Medicare coverage is up to date to avoid any surprises. Preventive health checks are the most important thing we can do to maintain good health.

Karl getting a check-up with his healthcare professional.

Living to 100 isn’t just about the years in your life but the life in your years. Embrace these tips, stay vibrant, and here’s to a long, healthy, and joyful journey ahead!

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Refer a Friend:  If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Agency.

Have a little heart

Greetings and may this blog find you in great health 💪 with your Medicare coverage 🏥 working properly. How was your week?

Any problems with your coverage? If so, book a time on my calendar or shoot an email to my admin Gray@TheBig65.com. Let us know 😊☎️.

Plato, Q and I had a quiet Easter Sunday at home in Colorado. Sometimes it’s just nice to relax, isn’t it?

Quantz at home in Colorado.

We rose early and breakfasted at The Original Pancake House, our favorite national breakfast chain. Be sure to save up your statins if you order the apple pancakes and the bacon, but man oh man, it’s worth it, three meals from one order. I don’t like their coffee, but we love their pancakes.

Which brings us to today’s topic, heart health.

Karl Bruns-Kyler about to enjoy some tasty pancakes at breakfast.

You don’t have to be a doctor to know that moderation is the secret to good living. Paying better attention to our health is an important part of aging well.

Here are some helpful ideas backed by studies to promote heart health.

Quantz working in the kitchen.

Stay Active:

•  Engage in regular physical activity tailored to your abilities. Even gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga can significantly benefit heart health. How about polishing the silverware?

•  According to a study published in the American Heart Association journal, regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease in older adults by 25%.

A cairn located in Colorado.

Manage Stress:

•  Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring joy and relaxation.

•  A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that stress management techniques can lead to significant improvements in heart health among seniors.

Every time I bike the bluffs, I try to drop a rock on this cairn.

Plato lounging in the back yard with a friend.

Monitor Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels:

•  Regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as per your doctor’s recommendations.

•  Research has shown that maintaining optimal blood pressure and cholesterol levels can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in older adults.

Three nice ladies pose for a photo.

Stay Socially Connected:

•  Maintain strong social connections with friends, family, and community groups. Social isolation has been associated with an elevated risk of heart disease and mortality. Tina and her sisters take a weekend trip together every year.

•  According to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, seniors who actively engage in social activities have better heart health outcomes. For Luke and Carmen, that means travelling forty three hours from Virginia to Jakarta to spend time with their grandvarmints.

Luke and Carmen with their beautiful family.

Get Sufficient Sleep:

•  Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep patterns have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

•  A study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that older adults who consistently get enough sleep have healthier hearts compared to those who experience sleep disturbances.

Marcel just arrived in the US from the Netherlands to watch the Solar Eclipse. Will you get to see it?

Marcel who just arrived in the US from the Netherlands to watch the Solar Eclipse.

Eat a Heart-Healthy Diet:

•  Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

•  Research from the American Heart Association suggests that adhering to a Mediterranean-style diet can lower the risk of heart disease among older individuals by up to 30%.

•  My little brother Haas grows a lot of food on his farm in the Shenandoah Valley. This weekend, he’ll be hunting for Morell mushrooms, if the deer and the gobblers don’t get to them first.

A farm in the Shenandoah Valley at sunset.

Caring for your heart is a lifelong endeavor, and we can take proactive steps to safeguard our cardiovascular health. Remember, it’s never too late to prioritize your heart health!

As the famous saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Let’s start nurturing our hearts today for a healthier tomorrow.

A candid photo of exercise physiologist and registered dietician Cate Reade in Colorado.

Great news! Due to your responses, Exercise Physiologist and Registered Dietician Cate Reade has agreed to create a wellness webinar on balance for The Big 65. We’ll announce the dates next Saturday. See how excited my brother Rob is 😉😂.

Please email the questions or topics you’d like Cate to address.

Rob and his grandson sit for a portrait.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).

Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Agency.

I messed up this week and I need some balance

Greetings and may this note find you in great health with your Medicare coverage working properly and Happy Easter Weekend.

I missed client Dan’s email a couple weeks back and I sure felt bad 😔. If you ever reach out and I don’t respond within 24 hours 😳

Please call and leave a message, book a time on my calendar, or shoot an email to my admin Gray@TheBig65.com and he will hunt me down 😊☎️🔫.

This has been a busy week here at home finishing up the month of March. Plato is exhausted 🐶.

Karl Bruns-Kyler at his desk working on Medicare insurance as Plato sits nearby.

I had a wonderful catchup with client Rose and her Great Pyrenees Collie rescue, the amazing Max (of course he’s a Buckeye). She’s a retired nurse and I shared with her about a workshop I attended this week that could make a huge difference in all of our lives. So, please pay attention 🏫 ✏️.

Max the Collie rescue dog.

Cate Reade is an Exercise Physiologist and a Registered Dietitian and the founder of MoveMor. This week she taught a class on “Why We Lose Balance and How We Fix It.”

Balance relies on the sensory systems of our eyes, our ears, and our joints. As we age, we often see those abilities diminish. The good news? Thanks to the brain’s remarkable neuroplasticity, we can strengthen our balance, our range of motion, and our cognitive skills with simple, short, repetitive exercises and training tools.

Cate Reade teaching a class on "Why we lose Balance and How We Fix it

Loss of ankle and foot mobility play a huge part in the loss of balance. Cate shared simple exercise strategies.

•  Take 5: Fix Your Foundation
•  At Home Seated Exercises

During the workshop, she showed us how to strengthen feet, ankle, and leg muscles doing simple, seated exercises.

MoveMor mobility trainer with two feet in black socks.

We know that it’s either use it or lose it for muscles, but I was amazed to learn that, according to third party studies, as little as 10 exercises of 10 repetitions for 10 minutes of seated exercise can greatly improve balance, and that means independence.

Cate Reade teaching a class on balance and mobility.

Cate teaches classes at our local wellness center and to groups across Denver. If you are inspired by her work, please let me know and I will arrange a free webinar if enough people are interested.

Stuart with his Olympic dog.

Balance classes, Yoga, Aerobics, and Strength Training will certainly make you healthier, but don’t forget about the greatest exercise of them all: Walking.

I met retired Geophysicist Stuart out with his Olympic dog, a hybrid Kangal Turkish Shepherd, bred with a South African Boerbol. This fellow can chase down and pin a coyote. He makes Plato look small. Hold on tight!

Longtime client Charles and his lovely wife Phyllis posing for a candid photo.

Longtime client Charles (and his lovely wife Phyllis) stay active in work, church and walking. The important thing – find an activity you enjoy and stay with it.

Vintage photo of client Becky on Easter Sunday in Tioga, North Dakota.

Client Becky shared this picture of her and her brother (both on the left) Easter Sunday where she grew up in Tioga, North Dakota. Were we ever that young?

Sus and Plato together.

By dog years, Plato is almost 63, but he still loves hanging out with the young’uns. I hope you do the same ❤️.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Refer a Friend

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services company.





What happens if the system breaks down?

Greetings and may this blog find you in great health 💪 with your Medicare coverage 🏥 working properly.

Please book a time on my calendar if you are having Medicare issues. Anyone on an Advantage plan has till the end of March to make a change if they are unhappy!

Are you getting through your taxes?  It’s QuickBooks time here at home and Plato is not in the mood. He loves the sun and the snow.

Plato watching as The Big 65 works on QuickBooks.

Last weekend, the neighborhood looked like this.

Sun shining on a snowy day in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Now the snow is mostly gone and we are definitely thinking Spring.

Plato enjoying spring weather in Denver, Colorado.

Of course we’re always one disruption away from a problem (weather, internet, health) so today, we need to talk about prescriptions and how to make sure you never run out.

Plato chomping down on some Skippy peanut butter in Colorado.

Your grandmother had a well stocked pantry, just in case. Now we are spoiled by 24 hour convenience and Amazon so we are used to having less of everything on hand.

It may be time to build up reserves.

Earlier this year, hackers took over a major healthcare website and prevented physicians from being paid and some pharmacies from dispensing medications.

Karl's backyard beehive in Colorado.

Many pharmacies were able to find work-around options, but some of my clients were in a tight spot.

Dr. Michael Rhodes recommends having an emergency supply of meds on hand, minimally three days worth, ideally 30 days worth and a disaster kit ready.

If you prepare, you’ll be like Jane and have no drama with your Llama.

Jane hugging her llama.

“Ask your doctor for an additional prescription, explain what you’re doing and tell your doctor the meds will be going into storage,” says Dr. Rhodes. “Since many insurance companies will only cover a 30-day supply you may need to pay out of pocket. If your medication is very expensive, ask if there’s a generic substitute you could use in an emergency.”

Group of people sitting at a table.

Check out this article for additional ideas on how to have your emergency medicines ready, but the bottom line…bee 🐝 prepared 😂.

Then go have a cup of coffee☕ with the people you love. This is my old tribe in the Shenandoah Valley. I sure hope to see them again.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link.

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services company.


Beware the Snow Ides of March!

Greetings and may this blog find you in great health 💪 with your Medicare coverage 🏥 working properly.

Are you having any issues? If so, reach out and book a time on my calendar.  Anyone on an Advantage plan has till the end of March to make a change if they are unhappy!

Here in Colorado, we are beholding the Ides of March with 30 plus inches and it’s still coming down ❄️. Client Becky around the corner said we came home too early…

Karl Bruns-Kyler shoveling snow in Colorado as Plato the friendly dog watches Karl.

Plato didn’t seem to mind, not one bit. He thinks we timed it just right 🐶.

Plato the friendly dog enjoying the indoors in snowy Colorado.

It was raining ☔ in England most of the time I was visiting our Air Force son. You know your boy is in the right place when he takes you to the Duxford Air Museum when he isn’t working on the base. It was a pleasure to spend time with him and to learn about his adventures. The young’uns sure grow up fast 😲.

Nicholas checking out airplanes and flying machines.

So now that Quantz and I are home and together again, there’s plenty to catch up on, inside and outside the house. She does the mail, the bills, and the inside stuff.

Quantz at home sitting beside the blazing fire and reviewing bills.

My job is outside the house – gutters, yard, and snow removal.

Now, shoveling snow is great cardio, but beware! According to The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, over 11,500 people were treated each year in Emergency Rooms over a 16 year period for snow shoveling related incidents 😱.

Highlands Ranch snow day.

According to another article, “your level of risk largely depends on your fitness level and whether you have cardiovascular risk factors, such as a history of cardiac or vascular disease, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or another chronic condition.”

If you do choose to take on a physically taxing chore, beware. Snow shoveling “drives up a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, since the chore requires engaging seldom-used arm muscles while the legs are mostly still, blood tends to pool in the lower extremities. At the same time, cold temperatures constrict the arteries, decreasing the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the heart ❤️🏥.”

Karl Bruns-Kyler shoveling snow in Colorado as Plato the dog watches in delight.

Google “Area Agency on Aging” to find local resources. Many cities have a website like ours to help seniors with snow shoveling.

Of course you could always ask the neighbor kids if they want to earn a couple of bucks.

Make sure whatever chore you tackle won’t cause you to end up in the emergency room. Remember last week’s newsletter on messed up medical billing?

As our daughter Sus said many years ago, when I hurt my back overdoing it in a yoga class “don’t be a hero daddy.”

Plato the friendly big dog in the snow.

When I told my little brother Haas in Virginia about the snow, he couldn’t help but immediately send a pic and rub it in. It’s always good to laugh at yourself, right?

Haas fishing in Virginia.

Largemouth brother catching a largemouth bass 😂🐟. I sure am grateful to have him in my life.

So that’s it for this week. As they say in the musical Annie, “the sun’ll come out tomorrow,” especially if my wife Q is around (and she even helped me shovel), I’m a lucky man. Even money says all the snow’ll be gone by next weekend. What say you?

Quantz shoveling snow in Colorado for The Big 65.

Keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

⇒ ⇒ If you know someone who might like to receive The Big 65 newsletter, forward this link to sign up. ⇐ ⇐

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services company.


Get off your high horse!

Greetings and may this blog post find you in great health 💪 with your Medicare coverage 🏥 working properly.

Are you having any issues with your coverage? If so, reach out and book a time on my calendar. Anyone on an Advantage plan has till the end of March to make a change if they are unhappy!

OK, the sky’s not falling, but I am on my high horse, watching out for scams. Despite writing about this last week, we almost got burned🔥.

Karl sitting on his high horse.

My wife Q received this email invoice and asked me if we should pay😱! It’s always worth a second look before you pay a bill and this one was completely bogus.

Bogus invoice from PayPal.

This week, we need to revisit Medical Billing. Now don’t fall asleep 😪. If we don’t pay attention to these common billing mistakes, it could cost us money💰.

Salt flats in the Bolivian Andes.

According to Becker’s Hospital CFO Report, 4 out of 5 medical bills contain at least one minor error.

Quantz traveling.

Not all of these errors result in higher bills, but many do. If there is an error in your bill, according to Medicare, here are a few of things you can do.

Back in Highlands Ranch.

→ Get a detailed bill resent by the provider and check it to make sure the service you were billed for was actually the service you received.

Plato in Highlands Ranch.

→ Ask the doctor for a copy of your medical records and compare this to the bill.

Rembrandt paining.

→ Look up the medical billing codes online. Compare them to your bill. If they don’t match what you got, contact your provider’s billing department.

Medicare insurance broker Karl Bruns-Kyler of The Big 65.

→ Confirm the bill was actually sent to your insurance company. Billing departments sometimes send bills to the consumer instead of sending them to the insurance company.

Museum in Amsterdam Karl
→ Call the billing department and have them submit the bill to the insurance company so that it is processed correctly.

263 sign in window.

→ If you are stuck with an expensive bill, make sure they are charging a fair price and not overcharging you ($200 aspirin). Consider checking FairHealth to get a sense of fair market prices and negotiate from there.

View of Amsterdamn.

→ You can also ask for help from a Patient Assistance program in your state.  Here is a link.

Karl standing in a church.

→ One final tip: “If you’re being admitted to a hospital and asked to sign a document of financial responsibility, write in that you agree only if your care is in network, says Elisabeth Rosenthal, M.D., author of “An American Sickness.” See Consumer Reports.Plaque.

In the meantime, keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services company.



Are you running low on protein?

Greetings and may this blog post find you in great health with your Medicare coverage working properly.

Are you having any issues with your coverage? If so, reach out to Gray or book a time on my calendar. We’re here to help so you can ignore the Medicare Telemarketers!

Yours truly is in Britain, visiting our Air Force son, and you are probably wondering where’s my wife, the mighty Q?

Animals in the wild.

Quantz is still in South America, checking off countries on her bucket list. These pictures are from Iguazu, some of the largest waterfalls in the world.

Quantz in front of a lovely waterfall.

When I was there in 1983, the catwalks you see below were completely washed away. Q’s pictures remind me how impressive the water is.

 Waterfalls of Iguazu.

The Amazon is such a fascinating place, filled with animals like the coatimundi, racoon-like creatures that will eat almost anything.

Which brings us to the topic of today, protein.

A coatimundi, a racoon-like creature in the wild.

A study in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, indicates that older adults in the US aren’t getting enough protein.

Analyzing data from over 11,000 adults aged 51 and above, they found that nearly half of the older participants didn’t consume adequate protein regularly.

Majestic scene of the mountains in South America.

Not getting enough protein isn’t just about muscles; it could signal that someone’s diet and overall health might need a boost. As we get older, our muscles start to shrink, which can make us weaker and more prone to falling.

A nice lady working in the market.

Individuals over 50 “whose protein intake was lower than the recommended level had a poorer diet overall, as well as ‘significantly more functional limitations.’ These people consumed fewer healthful foods such as greens and beans, dairy, seafood, and plant protein foods.”

Four ladies in colorful outfits walking down the street together.

”Despite the protein craze in America, the data shows there’s still a big gap in adults’ protein intake.”

Great sources of protein include rice, beans, lentils, soy, and quinoa, as well as eggs, dairy, or meat. This was Quantz’s dinner in La Paz, Bolivia, the highest capital in the world. She never figured out what the food on the left of the plate actually was.

A plate of unknown meat sitting on a plate of rice.

So just to make sure I practiced what I preached, yours truly had a ribeye and “chips” in the Mildenhall Market. I feel stronger already.

A man cutting meat in Mildenhall Market.

Most important, keep squeezing the juice out of life and look for ways to help others!

Medicare questions or problems?

Book a time on my calendar or email Gray, Gray@theBig65.com.

If family or friends need help… referrals are the lifeblood of my business.

Let us know what’s going on and please send pictures :).


Karl Bruns-Kyler
(877) 850-0211
Book a time on my calendar here
Happy with my Service? Click Here to Leave a Review.

Karl Bruns-Kyler is a Medicare insurance broker and independent Medicare agent licensed to help Medicare recipients in thirty states around the country, including:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina

The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services does not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 50 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Logo for The Big 65 Medicare Insurance Services company.